42- the person he loved

103 9 38

25th December 1980

"I can't believe I'm about to spend Christmas with Roger Taylor... and Adelynn Petrov. It makes no sense." Julian exclaimed, his hands being thrown out so dramatically he almost hit Leo square in the nose- which obviously caused myself, Summer and Connie to laugh too loudly.

We'd all finished eating a dinner Summer had slaved away over, and found ourself all sprawled across the furniture after the busy morning of opening presents and spending Christmas together. Every year although I couldn't say I had my mum and dad to spent the holidays with- I did have my family. And that family seemed to also include Roger showing up at three o'clock.

"You gonna tell him you like him yet ?" Connie leaned closer towards me in mumbled in my ear, not noticing the redness on my cheeks as she did. I hadn't told any of them about how myself and the drummer had very, very nearly kissed- and that's because I knew we couldn't.

"No. I'm not." I replied, nudging her ribs playfully as she giggled and sunk back into her previous position.

"I still can't believe he got you those earrings... you haven't taken them out since ! I mean that's all the proof I need to say he's your soulmate." Julian added, smugly smirking at me as I rolled my eyes. Connie sniggered, and Summer pulled her new knitted jumper from Julian over her mouth to cover her smile.

"Are you all forgetting that he bloody loved someone else ? He was with Dominique the whole time ! He never even loved me." I laughed, not because I found the situation funny but because that was the only thing I could think to do.

"No... we're not forgetting. But we are remembering the way he looked at you. And the way he cared for you. And if you ask me I think he likes you even more now than he did then. Right now he's not with anyone... and the only person he's interested in is you. Trust me." Julian wore an expression too smug as the words tippled from his lips, glancing at Leo who nodded with a smirk just as bright as the boy's beside him. Both of them had a tug at each feature that was starting to make me feel as if they knew something I didn't- which was never, ever good.

"He's only been back in my life a couple months... there's hardly been a huge bridge built between us."

"He was only in your life for a couple months the first bloody time !" Connie giggled, nudging me gently before the rooms attention was grasped by a raffle at the door that could luckily one have one owner. I jumped up to open it, a smile already tugging at each corner of my lips as I peeled back the wooden panel.

"Merry Christmas... nice earrings too." Roger smirked, his hands containing more than just one bag as I shook my head gently, quickly propping myself up on to my toes to kiss his cheek and take his frame into a short lived hug before he stepped through the door. "And merry Christmas to you lot."

"Merry Christmas." Julian smiled, watching as Roger stole the seat I was previously sat in with a small smug pull at his lips that seemed to be only a result of my slightly annoyed expression.

"I got you all a little thing. Nothing major." He passed each of them a bottle of what I presumed to be alcohol firstly, one that has a label written in a language none of us could make out. "It's German. Really nice shit."

"Jesus look at the bottle !" Summer laughed a little as I wriggled into the gap besides Roger, glancing at the smug glint in his eyes as he watched me shake my head again. "This must've cost a penny or two jeez. Thank you."

"Yeah thank you." Connie added, smiling gratefully as Roger passed Julian a present shaped flat and square, which would of course logistically only be one thing.

"That's technically for all of you..." Roger chuckled, watching with amusement as Summer and Leo squealed at the gift in Julian's hand, which from what I knew was an album.

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