41- you know we can

101 6 29

10th December 1980

You guys are gonna love or hate me after this

And of course only eight days later, Julian's flat found itself cramped full of five people all giggling and laughing as they all got ready for the night ahead of them.

I knew the night was going to be full of not only inescapable memories and moments all of us would forever treasure, I also somehow anticipated it would be full of a variety of twists and turns I wouldn't know how to expect.

Everyone was excited, all rambling on about how they felt the nights course would lead, which is exactly what the topic of discussion was in the moment I added the final layer of lipstick against my lips before stepping out of the bathroom to join the others in the living room.

"He's not gonna know what to say when he sees you in that." Julian turned to face my figure as he heard the squeak of the bathroom door's hinges, his lips in a smile that seemed to be one proud as I did a little twirl and giggled. "Roger's lucky. Even if you're not his- he's lucky."

I was wearing a pair of jeans that clung to the lower half of my body just as they should, a simple pair of black boots sat below them that matched well with the lace bodysuit I wore beneath a leather blazer, all pieced together with the necklace I'd been gifted only eight days prior.

"Thanks." I replied, the tone I used sounding more grateful than the word it's self. "You all ready ?"

"I still can't believe I'm going to a Queen gig. I can't believe we're going to a Queen gig. It's crazy !" Leo exclaimed as he pulled himself up from the sofa, adjusting his tire in the mirror as Summer brushed her hands through her curls for what had to of been the thousandth time.

It did feel strange, the entire idea of me and my own friends attending the concert of  the same band they wouldn't of dared to bring up months prior. It was scary how quickly I'd felt the bridge had even rebuilt itself between me, and there was no denying it was stable. Maybe not complete, it was more likely to be still under construction, but we could both walk across it with ease.

"Are you gonna talk to him about it...?" Connie whispered to me, the two of us now in a conversation just quiet enough to be unheard by the others as they did whatever they did. "I think you should."

"The thing is Connie- as much as I want to I don't trust him. It's one thing liking him but it's another wanting to be with him, and I don't think I wanna be with him."

"No... you think that if you're with him it's gonna end the same. And it won't. He knows better than anyone that it can't. And I'm telling you now he's never gonna wanna loose you again Addy." She replied sternly, her tone coming across like my mums would if I was having this conversation with her. But only I knew that if my mum was the one telling me to try and get back what I had with Roger, I would've agreed in a heartbeat. Even if her advise wasn't the best to listen to- I always did.

"Let's just enjoy the show... and I'll talk to him another time. He's still got a good few days left on tour I just don't think I should throw that at him." I whispered back, the glare in my eyes telling Connie only an inch more than the words did, which also told her we were all ready to leave and me and her were ready to drop the conversation between us.

"Well then... are we ready for Wembley stadium ?" Julian exclaimed as he threw his arms out in a dramatic gesture, all of nodding and laughing before grabbing any coats, bags or objects necessary and making our way out the door.


Not long after we'd all bundled into the car with smiles too big and minds too crammed with excitement, I found myself being lead by a security guard (who's name I never got the chance to catch) backstage to the boy's dressing room- exactly like Roger said. The others had made their way into the thick, heavy atmosphere that could only be described as the crowd in a spot close enough for them to, in Julian's words, count the buttons on Brian May's shirt.

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