39- every part of my future

103 7 28

20th November 1980

And unfortunately exactly a week later, I did find myself getting ready to have coffee with Nathan, my mind scrambled with thoughts about him and how the afternoon was going to play out.

I had little idea why I did agree to see him, I barley even liked the guy. If I was in fact in love with him, I expect I would be a lot more appreciative of the offer, but unfortunately for him i found myself in love with someone I really, really shouldn't be.

But conveniently I wasn't given too much longer to dwell on who I was and wasn't in love with, because the blaring ring of the phone suddenly rang, pinching my attention almost instantly.

"Hey... how you been ?" I picked up the phone to find with little surprise Roger's voice the opposite end, the raspy tone that hadn't filled my ears since the week before when I'd dressed him for his date I didn't even know the results of.

Roger was someone I had mixed feelings about, and someone I knew the feeling were undeniably always too strong for. I caught the butterflies and the thoughts about him, and the way I liked to remember the feeling of his lips against mine as his arms holding me like I was his- but I couldn't bare to admit to why.

"Yeah not bad. How was your amazing date with Bethany ? Did it go well ?" I asked, only interested in his response and how it would act on the future between us. Part of me had my fingers crossed that, purely for my own sake, it hadn't gone well. But the part of that cared about Roger what he wanted, which is to me what mattered more than what I did, wished it went well.

"Eh I don't think things between me and her are gonna to anywhere. She's not... well she's not like erm, who I suppose I would go for." He mumbled slightly, his lips trying to stop the words that became more muffled as he went on. "But I'll tell you more about it later on... I'm off on tour tomorrow and thought I'd ought to give you a proper goodbye tonight. Charlie's ?"

"Shit. I've gotta have coffee with Nathan and then I'll-" the words slipped of tongue so easily I almost forget who I was telling them to, who exactly I had been careful to avoid telling, which immediately clicked when I heard him almost stutter.

"Nathan ? What the fuck ? Really... ?"

"Yeah he asked me to coffee. Just coffee. That's it. It's been weeks since I've seen him I-"

"Exactly. It's been weeks. So why do it ? Adelynn I don't like him he's a cunt." Roger cut me off after I'd mumbled each word out, an annoyance in his tone I'd been fully expecting it to hold. He wasn't happy, not one bit, and he didn't bother ever trying to hide that.

"I know I know. But I suppose it's just... just air that needs clearing." I replied, a gentleness in my voice I tried to use to persuade Roger that I was right. "It's one coffee. That's it. And then I'll be yours for the rest of the night... before you bloody flee across Europe again."

"I'll pick you up. Don't argue with me, don't try and bloody convince me otherwise. I'll pick you up from the coffee shop." Roger demanded almost, giving me next to no room to try and push away his offer. "And then we'll go to out.. alright ?"

"Right, well I'm meeting him at midday so I guess be there for half past... and don't worry. It's gonna be fine. He's gonna be fine. I swear."

"You're crazy. Stupid crazy. Why would you bloody have coffee with him ?" Roger chuckled a little, a disbelief in his voice I half expected. I rolled my eyes a little, my head shaking as my cheeks managed to blush unexpectedly, and certainly unwanted.

"Roger many people said the exact same thing when I had coffee with you..."

"Touché. I'll see you later. Be careful."

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