38- watch another girl fall

101 8 27

11th November 1980

"And how was your meeting with Mel ?" Roger chuckled almost as I sat in the passenger seat besides him, shrugging momentarily as he twisted the keys in the ignition.

"The same as always. Boring." I huffed slightly, my lips taking to a smile as the drummer shook his head from each side. "You excited for your big date with Bethany ?"

"Please don't dress me like a twat..." he pleaded, momentarily taking his eyes off the road to glance at me as I smirked playfully and shrugged my shoulders only an inch- a small gesture that made his brows furrow and eyes roll with a regret hidden in them.

"Well unfortunately for you Summer won scrabble... you could've bet on monopoly but you fled by then." I giggled, watching the drummer nod with a pang of guilt, only further feeding into my smile.

"I had shit to do I couldn't stay up until two in the morning playing board games... as much as I would've liked to. Besides Freddie would genuinely slaughter me if he learnt I'd played scrabble without him. He'd end up joining us next time."

"I think the four of them would pass out if Freddie walked through Julian's door." I replied, laughing at the thought of their reaction if Freddie ever did walk through Julian's door. I knew too well that he would be bombarded with every question you would imagine and smothered in compliments that would only show their admiration.

"Good point. Maybe he'll have to come one day just so I can see their reactions." Roger teased, watching my eyebrows raise with an initial shock before his smirk reassured me the tone he used was definitely playful.

"I hate to be a pain but could we stop at the shop by yours super super quick I gotta grab some food for Toulouse ?"

"What am I your personal taxi ?"

"I can drive perfectly fine but you're the one who insists on picking me up for everything... so I'm gonna take advantage of the offer."

"That's a fair enough point." Roger shrugged, pulling into the small and obviously cramped car park besides the store before the two of us got out the car.

"Thank you... you're a gem." I smiled, the two of us walking though the store doors before I rushed to the isle that contained food for the cat as Roger wondered behind me with his hands buried deep within the pockets of his leather jacket.

"So... what are your plans for tonight ?" He asked suddenly, filling the what I deemed to be comfortable silence between us both.

"Well after choosing what you wear for your hot date... I've got a date of my own. Specifically with a bottle of vodka and the cat. And maybe Connie if she gets off work early enough." I laughed a little, walking round to the isle containing alcohol after I'd picked up a box of food, Roger still following like a child who'd rather be at home.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka from one of the highest shelves, but as I bought it down I managed to accidentally nudge a man stood behind me who didn't happen to be Roger. I turned to see the blonde had in fact disappeared, and the man I'd nudged into was taking every ounce of care in looking me up and down beneath him.

He was tall, dauntingly so, and his eyes were dark, coated by worn skin that had sheltered them for too many years. His smile was almost broken, twitching between a smile and a straight pair at his lips. But his eyes were the opposite, fixed completely on what felt like my tiny frame in-front of him as it froze nervously.

"Shit I'm so sorry." I chuckled a little, my head spiralling in the tense air I'd turned around to face. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head only to one side that showed me he didn't care about the nudge as much as his intimidating eyes and uneasy smile had led me to believe.

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