24- As a free man

114 8 22

20th July 1978

"Oh hiya doll... didn't expect to see you pop in. I close in about ten minutes anyway. You're about two minutes too late... Connie's just run across the road to get us a coffee." Julian smiled warmly as I stepped into the salon, sweeping up what seemed to be a little more of Connie's hair than I would've imagined as the radio hummed in the background. "How you doing ?"

"Not bad... just spoken to Mel. Same old shit really. Bruises is healing up nicely though- it's almost cleared up." He nodded with a noticeable twang of happiness, his smile beaming as I took a seat and flicked lazily through the first few pages of a magazine sat on the table.

It had been a good few weeks since I'd come home, finally relieved to fall back into the somewhat boring pattern I now appreciated following. I'd phoned mum almost everyday since I'd been back, listening to her stories for hours and hours knowing I was the only person to give her the chance to ramble on like she did. The last few times I'd rung however if found myself with no answer, but I never let my mind ponder on it for too much longer than I should've.

"So Connie finally got that hair cut she was begging for ?" I laughed as Julian nodded frantically, flashing his eyes slightly as he swept away at the mounds of her hair.

The track playing on the radio faded out, soon fading into another one that plucked my attention within seconds. 'Somebody to love' started playing, Freddie's distinctive voice filling my ears whilst I let them focus on every detail of the track.

It seemed everything somehow linked back to Roger now. No matter what situation I found myself in, he would managed to creep his way into it so effortlessly, without even knowing. My mums words about him always played their little show in my mind, making me question almost every move I'd made involving him, but unfortunately for me I couldn't change the past. I just had to hope I could get a good enough grasp on the fate of my future.

"Did you uh... want me to change the station ?"

"No no no no. It's actually a good song. He's gonna bloody pop up everywhere anyway... I can't exactly hide from him." I shrugged, dumping down the magazine I'd hardly bothered to look through.

"Ou hiya... I would of gotten you a coffee if I knew you were on your way sorry." Connie pushed the door open with her elbow, her hair sat gorgeously around her shoulders in a bundle of layers twisted into curls that perfectly framed her face. She handed Julian his coffee, both of us laughing when he dramatically threw down the broomstick in his grasp to take a sip of the drink still a little too hot for his tastebuds to handle.

"No worries... your hair looks amazing !" She smiled, blushing brightly as she took the seat besides mine.

"Thank you." Her and Julian both replied, almost in sync, their eyes meeting one another's as their laughs matched moments after. I was glad I did finally get around to introducing them, because I'd never seem two people click together to quickly. They were two pieces bound to slot perfectly beside the other.

"So... what exactly are we gonna do for the remainder of this fantastic evening ?" I asked, glancing at the two of them as they both shrugged and sipped their drinks again. "Oh wow... now that is helpful."

"Charlie's ?" Julian added. "Have you seen him since coming back ?"

"Yeah the other week... he gave me my update about Roger. He's recording an album in Montreux."

"Ooo well atleast theirs a new album to look forward to." Connie laughed. "I wouldn't mind a drink through. And I think I'd kill for a portion of those awful chips from the shop across the road from his."

"Well then... Charlie's it is."


I ended up stood outside the chip shop with smoke leaking from my lips as Julian and Connie ordered themselves whatever they did, eager to knock Charlie's back door and soothe my need for a drink.

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