26- All too long ago

115 6 21

30th July 1980

The last two years had slipped by far too quickly and far too easily for my liking,

Everything had changed, but not enough for it to make a difference too significant. The movie I filmed had been released, and it still remained my first and last acting job, which left my still as a model stuck in the endless cycle she labelled a career.

The people around me were the same, in addition to Julian's partner of now a year, Leo, and it seemed none of them had changed either. Life was simple, simple enough to live with ease but not exciting enough to live with that fear that was sometimes needed, but I couldn't complain.

I hadn't seen my dad since I last did, and nor had I seen or heard from Roger since I last had. Queen were drowning in fame, after the release of their undeniably amazing new album 'the game', which came out whilst they were still swimming in the cash of 'jazz'- they were at their peak. So that meant I spent more time than I would've preferred listening to either Roger's name being mentioned or his music playing.

Other than the small changes, it was all the same. All just essentially the plain old life of Adelynn Petrov, a still single model who came home most days to the comfort of her cat Toulouse and her dearest friend- Vodka.

But that was exactly what led me to being sat round Julian's, music playing faintly in the background as me, him, Leo and Summer all played a game of monopoly far too competitive for my liking. I'd stopped by after work, and when I was presented with the offer of a game I wasn't one to turn it down. But that was three hours ago.

"Right... Leo pay up you owe me four hundred bucks !" Summer demanded, looking at the blonde sat angrily with his hair swept to the side. He was exactly who I would've picture Julian to be with, denim jeans and knitted jumpers to match his thin framed glasses and scruffy of light curls.

"I haven't got four hundred ! Since when did you even have houses ? I thought you were loosing !" Me and Julian sat glancing at each other as we laughed, watching the scene unfold between the two of them. Summer was sat with her arms crossed and head high, the dress she'd made wrapping around her body with her. She's completed university now, and worked in a clothing store besides Julian's (and now Leo's) salon.

"Best sell some properties then..." she grumbled, looking down at the card's he owned she had so desperately wanted her hands on the entire game.

"Fine." He huffed, tossing two properties in her direction, eyebrows furrowing as she giggled and added them to her pile that now took up most of the board.

"My turn." Julian sighed with a pang of relief, shaking the dice in his hands before launching it across the board to score himself a total of seven moves.

I'd lost the game what felt like years ago, loosing tragically to the only lot Julian owned that held a hotel, leaving me to sit back and watch the three of them compete. Julian was the banker, regretting his decision every time he glanced at the clock and noticed how many more minutes had managed to pass.

"That's my property ! Boom... you owe me." Summer exclaimed, picking up her card. "Seven hundred bucks."

"That's it." Julian sighed, throwing down his pile of notes too short to cover his bill. "I'm done. I'm out."

"Oh great... I'm never gonna win. She's owns literally everything !" Leo grumbled, head falling onto his fisted hand. Julian clicked his tongue, kissing his cheek gently with a slight reassurance.

"So is it safe to say I've officially won this game ?" She glanced at the three of us with a cheeky smirk, biting her bottom lip with anticipation. I shrugged, looking at the two boys who hated themselves for nodding. "Yesss ! I told you I would. Winner gets to pick what album goes on next too."

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