Chapter 1

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"if you lead us to the wrong place, the result will be your death." a treasure hoarder nudged my shoulder with force as i silently walked towards my camp.

i was forced to take treasure hoarders to my camp where they would rob me of all of my things. i could not run or hide, otherwise i would die.
"you remember that some of our brothers are at your home already, yes? it would be foolish of you to try and escape now." he continued, staring at me with a look of grimace.

"i know. i am not going to run." i mumbled back at him in spite.

some time later, we arrived at my camp. there was no time to look for any danger, as the door was already cracked from the force of the other men's entrance.
"jackpot! grab the girl, we'll get everything we need." my wrists were suddenly constrained with muscle. one man dragged me down, though i kept my mouth shut - until i saw lifelessness in my own home.

a tall man with blood red eyes stood calmly in the centre of my room. bodies surrounded him, ones of the treasure hoarder's own brothers.
"WHAT THE HELL? Did this little bitch call for help?!" the leader of the men yelled in complete fear. the red haired... being... just smiled.

"you should really bring the knights of favonius with you next time." was the only thing he said before screams of torture filled my ears.
the red head sliced into their necks with his own teeth; crimson liquid splattered on his cheeks.
the yelling in agony echoed in the room for a full minute, before the silence grew even louder.

he licked his fingertips before his eyes met my own.
the man, who was later recognized as diluc, stomped over to me. i did not move, but instead flinched. my mind thought i'd have the same fate as the treasure hoarders which lay cold on my bedroom floor.

"eh? you're not running?" diluc started, averting his gaze. "shame, i was quite prepared for a good chase."
"wha.. stop messing about, just get it over with..." i covered my face with my palms and looked the other way, just to be safe.
"hm? killing you? no, i am not in the mood now. though now that you've seen me, i am afraid you'll be sticking with me from now until the end." diluc chuckled slightly and picked me up bridal style. immediately, i attempted to get myself free, but diluc's grip was too strong.

his movement was FAST. cape oath to wolvendom in about a minute, then springvale to mondstadt's gates in roughly a few seconds.
"h-how.." i was about to speak, but diluc placed a finger on my lips.
"sh, don't blow my cover, dear. i'd rather not go on a killing spree in my best clothes."

diluc and i walked around mondstadt in silence til we got to angel's share.
"please, just sit somewhere until my shift ends. i promise i'll make the boredom up to you later." he was already acting like we were the best of friends.

opening the door, we were greeted by a loud voice.
"ah, master diluc! what a... nice surprise." a blue haired man chuckled. i recognized him almost instantly - captain kaeya of the knights of favonius.

i took a seat by the bar and sighed, acknowledging the fact i'd be here for a while. diluc ignored kaeya's greeting and got to work behind the counter.

"have you heard about the vampire going around teyvat?" rosaria, the woman sat next to kaeya, stated. kaeya laughed almost hysterically at her comment.
"rosaria, my friend, vampires are not real. this is mondstadt." he put down his glass of dandelion wine and stood up.

"while you were blabbering on about vampires, i was able to get myself a few commissions at the adventurer's guild." kaeya was clearly drunk. he was about to leave before turning around and making eye contact with me.
"oh? who's this pretty lady?" he asked. i awkwardly turned around.
kaeya was about to stumble towards me, before he was stopped in his tracks by a stern diluc.

"mine. now leave. go do your commissions in snezhnaya for all i care." diluc whispered spitefully. kaeya obeyed and left.

the rest of diluc's shift was normal. the odd occassion of drunk people being a nuisance, underage people turning up, but it was fine. as the clock struck 10:02PM, the tavern was empty besides diluc and I.
"what did you mean?" i glanced at diluc.
"to kaeya. you said 'mine.'"

diluc inhaled, then laughed like a psycho.
he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders before pressing his nose against my neck, running his fingertips along it.

"because it is true. you ARE mine."

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now