Chapter 11

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My eyes fluttered open as rain pattered against the window. Diluc was fast asleep, resting on my shoulder quietly.
I shot a quick glance out the window and noticed that it was raining. It hadn't for a while.

Perhaps winter had arrived already, seeming as the temperature had dropped and it was already getting pretty cold.

Diluc realized how cold it was getting in the room and he subconsciously pulled me closer to him for warmth.

"You okay?" I tried to be as quiet as I could and moved some of Diluc's soft hair out of his peaceful face.
He smiled and took my hand, planting a kiss on it.

"I am fine, thank you for asking..." He yawned and intertwined his fingers with mine lovingly.

"What is the time, love?" Diluc asked with a raspy voice, his eyes were closed.

I turned and gazed at a clock in the rom we were in
"It's 7:45." I smiled.

"Oh, early, then. Would you like to come to the tavern with me this morning?" Diluc pulled the duvet up to his shoulders, showing he had no intention of leaving just yet.

"I'd love to, though it is raining quite a lot outside. I'm not sure many people would go to the tavern today due to the weather." I replied.

"Oh, is that so? It seems we have the day together, then. What would you like to-"

Diluc was cut off by someone knocking on the front door loudly.
He opened his eyes quickly.

"I'll get it. It's probably nothing."

I left our room and headed downstairs, before slightly opening the door and peering through.

Though I spotted someone I didn't think I would see again.


The waiter from Good Hunter.

"Why, hello there Y/N..." He chirped with a smug grin on his face.

"How do you...- what are you doing here?" I whispered, trying to not disturb Diluc.

"I think you already know the answer to that." He grabbed my wrist harshly, pulled me outside, and pushed me on to the floor.

"What the hell?! It's so early, why are you here?!" He kneeled down beside me and glared at me.

"I want to know why you killed me."

He thought it was me.


"You heard me." His hand made his way to hold my chin.

"You're clearly human, meaning I can do whatever the hell I like with you... I don't understand how you did it."

"Did what?"

"Turn me into a vampire, you idiot!" Yelling in my face angrily, I tried to move away from his grasp, but it was like steel. Too strong.

"I didn't even go near you! Did you hit your head or something?!" I yelled back, twisting his wrist and allowing myself to stand back up.

"You've shouldn't have done that, gorgeous!" He chuckled and tried to walk towards me, but was stopped by my foot going into his stomach.

"You... you definitely did it..." He groaned and held his stomach in agony.

"I am human, that's not even possible!" Glaring down at him, the temptation to kick him again right then and there was metaphorically grabbing me.

"I... argh... don't know how you did it, but you... DID."


"Explain to me how you know about vampires, then!"


My glare averted to the floor.
Even though I didn't hurt the formerly human waiter, I would have looked a little suspicious at the very least.

But I shouldn't have broken eye contact.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked it, causing me to fall to the ground.

Though I wasn't going down that easily.
I quickly grabbed some wet rocks from the ground and threw it at his face, taking that as an opportunity to get up.

But this was another vampire I was dealing with.

As soon as all of the grains of sand along with the rocks had faded from sight, he used his speed, like Diluc's, and pushed me against the house.

I was trapped.

"You're damn lucky I'm not in the worst mood today. But this looks like the end for you, am I right?"

I looked to my left and noticed a piece of glass, perhaps from a wine glass, and I grabbed it.

He laughed straight in my face.

"You're going to protect yourself with that? I hate to break it to you, but I no longer can die."

I dragged the glass lightly across my skin and drew blood. It didn't hurt too much, luckily. But I knew what I was doing.

"You're feeding me, now? Gosh, you're hilarious-"
Diluc walked towards us, after smelling my blood dripping down my arm.

"I suggest you leave. Now."
I thought Diluc was looking at the waiter, but to my surprise, he aimed it at me.

I nodded in confusion and ran back inside, closing the door behind me.

- Diluc's POV -
I was so shocked at first, when I made eye contact with the waiter I thought I had killed a few days back.

"What are you doing here?" I slowly walked towards him.

"Ah, it's always the same questions, isn't it?" He glared back.

"Look... if you ever come near me or her again, I will rip your throat out and feed it to a pigeon." Diluc whispered in the waiter's ear, his voice stern and intimidating.

He seemed to be threatened, as in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

I headed back inside and made eye contact with Y/N, while she was trying to bandage up the scratch on her arm.

"My, how do you always get hurt when I am not there?" I chuckled and wrapped the bandage for her.

"Sorry. I don't know why he came here... really." She replied, making my heart drop for a second.

"Why? What did he say to you?" I replied.

"Apparently I killed him, or something. I said he hit his head so he tried to hurt me, so I scratched my arm with broken glass to make him leave us alone."

"Ah... right. I doubt he will bother us any time soon, though." I sighed in relief and gave her a towel to dry off from the rain.

"Do you want anything to drink? I don't want you to catch a cold from being outside for so long." I offered. Y/N took the towel but denied my offer.

"No thanks, I'm alright."


I took the chance to pull her in for a kiss, which she kissed me back. My heart fluttered.

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now