Chapter 2

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"wh... huh?!" i quickly moved away from diluc's grasp and stared at him.
he still had that calm look on his face.

it was irresistable.

"i didn't not kill you because i was bored, y/n. i let you live because i want you, it's simple really." diluc chuckled and sighed, proceeding to close the tavern like nothing was said.

" that's it, then? you're not letting me leave?" i folded my arms, trying to look annoyed. though in reality i did not mind - technically he did save me from those treasure hoarders, right?

"exactly that. i'm quite hungry, care for a stroll?" diluc took my hand, not taking no for an answer if i were to say it.
"my, your hands are cold."
"heh, you do not need to say anything." we left the tavern hand in hand and left mondstadt.

"..where are we going?" i asked quietly, unable to see anything because of the night sky.
"going to find some treasure hoarders. like i said, i am hungry." he replied, still tightly holding my hand.

"it's late. i wanna go home..." i yawned in good timing of what i said.

"we'll go to my home soon, promise."

"why would i believe you?"

"cause i'm the only person you can trust compared to the cruel world around you." diluc quickly said in response, making me go quiet. he was right.

"look. there." diluc pointed over to some treasure hoarders who were excitedly going through a bag of items.
"...and? what are you gonna do?" i looked at him. to my surprise, diluc was already gazing at me.

"YOU are going to say that it's your bag. they'll want to get any more valuables you have off of you." he smirked.

"eh? but what if-"

"i won't let them hurt you, i swear." diluc nudged me forward lightly and i started to walk towards the thieves. at first they did not notice me.

i took a deep breath.
"care to explain yourselves?" my voice cracked. they turned around in confusion.

"the hell you want?" one of them asked, reaching to grab his weapon.

"that's my bag you idiots are going through. i want it back."

"IDIOTS? who do ya think you're talking to, eh?!" another yelled, attracting more attention from the others.
soon enough, around 4 of them were surrounding me and inaudibly yelling.

"now, isn't it quite unfriendly to yell at such a beautiful lady, hm?" a familiar voice echoed. the treasure hoarders turned around once again, holding their weapons.
"brothers, you hold her down. i will deal with this one." the leader cackled as i was pulled to the ground.

i was dragged on to some rocks on the floor. i felt the cold, heavy stone hit my arm - and then liquid dripped down it. i must have scraped it on my way down.

diluc chomped into their necks one by one and they fell to the ground in agony.
we both knew none of them would make it to the morning.

my arm. it's bleeding. diluc is a vampire. shit.

i quickly covered the cut with my palm while diluc finished feeding off of the bodies on the floor.
"no need to hide it, i can smell your blood from over here." he snorted, standing up. i glanced up at him.

diluc walked closer to me and kneeled down. i sat up though did not say anything.
"um... can i...?" he started. diluc was not normally this nervous..

"can you...?"

he pointed to my arm.
"i want to try it."

i sighed for a second. what if he loses control and hurts me?
"...i guess.." i moved my palm and the blood continued to droop down the side of my arm. turning my head the other way, i felt diluc press his teeth against my arm. it was like a needle, painless but uncomfortable. i could tell he was genuinely trying not to hurt me.

about a minute later, he moved and wiped his mouth.
"thank you. let us head home now." diluc helped me up and then got us both back to his home.
it was not luxurious, just blended in with the scenery around it. it was... nice.

"it's half past eleven right now, you can head to bed. i'll sleep on the couch." diluc was less... 'confident' than before. it seemed he could not stop thinking about what just happened.
"no, it's fine. you can sleep in the same bed as me, i don't mind..." i yawned and got into one side of his bed. it was really comfortable and soft.

he was happy with the idea and got into the other side.
i was already dozing off at this point.
diluc wrapped his arms around me once again and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"goodnight, my dear y/n."

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now