Chapter 5

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My face went red immediately as I realised what I had done. However, Diluc seemed to calm down from it.

"Hmm? You look flustered." Diluc pointing it out made me even more embarrassed, though he chuckled at me.
"Promise me you'll try not to go near Kaeya from now on? You're mine, I won't allow any blue-haired maniacs near what I claim." He gazed into my eyes.
Kaeya and I did not really know each other anyways, so it wouldn't be a problem.

"Okay, I promise." I confirmed, giving a nod. Diluc seemed satisfied with my answer.
"...Oh. One more thing." Diluc's eyes averted to the floor. He must have been nervous to say it, because his tone changed as well as his eye contact.
"How would you feel... about being with me?" He asked anxiously. At first, it took me a second to understand.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

"We haven't known each other for long, but I don't think I can continue without you. Y/N, I am asking for you to be... mine. With me. Forever..." Diluc had blush smeared on his cheeks, which proved he was genuine.

"O-Oh! I... I didn't realise what you meant..." My hands covered my face in embarrassment.
"Um.. yeah, I-... erm..." It was so difficult to form words, because of how happy and grateful I was.

"...Uh... er... I mean..."
It was going horribly.
Instead of continuing to struggle, I put my hands on Diluc's cheeks and gave him a peck on the lips once again. He leaned into it and smiled.

"I'll be taking that as a yes~"

I hid my smile by looking down. Diluc lifted my chin up.
"I need to go back to Angel's Share. Meet me there at 10PM, we'll walk home together~" Diluc pat my head like he did earlier in the morning, and left me stood there, feeling loved for once.

Later in the evening, the clock struck 10. I quietly walked into Angel's Share - to my surprise, it was very busy.
Diluc seemed bored and tired, until he noticed my arrival. Keeping a low profile was crucial to him, so hiding a smile was not easy.

Kaeya was sat at the bar next to Rosaria again, drinking dandelion wine. I took a seat at the end, so nobody would sit next to me.
"Ah, Y/N! Great to see you!" Kaeya chirped, making eye contact with me. I gave a light smile and waved, trying to keep my promise.

Diluc gave a death stare at the back of Kaeya's head, he obviously wanted me to move away from him.
"Y/N?" Diluc tapped the bar, getting mine and Kaeya's attention.
"Would you mind taking these empty bottles to a cart behind the tavern? I would do it myself, but it's Charles' day off." He asked, glancing into my eyes to make some sort of sign visible.

"Yup, no problem." I picked up the bottles and left the tavern.
I placed them into the cart and turned around - and then walked straight into something.

"I know it's dark, but you should at least try and look where you're going..." A voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"...Kaeya?" I questioned, quickly turning around to the source of the voice.

Before I could realise it, my shoulders were pushed to the wall and I felt warm breath down my neck.
"No no no, I don't like you in that way, Y/N..." The voice ignored my question.

"But don't think I haven't thought of what could be going on between you and Diluc, heh.." It continued. I looked up, staring at the pitch black sky.

"But..." The breathing on my neck got closer. "Between you and me, I think I'm the better brother."

That was the last thing I heard, before I felt something sharp stab me in the neck with force, it ripped part of my skin off and blood dripped continuously.
I could not let out any noise, as the pain overwhelmed me. My body lost all control of movement, and I fell to the cold, hard concrete.

Diluc's POV
Kaeya walked back into the tavern after his sudden disappearence. He was wiping his mouth clean with his fingertips.
Before I could question him, I smelt something... strange. Sweet.

Leaving the tavern in a rush, I ran behind it and saw Y/N laying on the ground in a little pool of blood. I lifted her on to my knees and pressed my palm against the wound on her neck.
"Y/N?!" I whispered, my hand on her head for comfort. Weirdly enough, she was calm. Was it because it didn't hurt? Was it because I was with her?

"...I'm... fine.." She managed to splutter, looking up at me. Her expression filled me with guilt, anger, and it broke me.
Kaeya did this to her.
I'm going to kill him.

"It's alright, I've got you."

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