Chapter 10

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I could feel my shoulder almost drenched which what seemed like water. It was 1:30 in the morning, and I was half asleep - however Diluc was not.

He had his head resting on my shoulder, and it was soaked because of his tears. Diluc had been crying.

"What's the matter...? Why are you crying? I mumbled, startling him. It seemed he thought I was still sound asleep.

"I'm...- I'm not..." He replied, rubbing his eyes and sniffing.

"Hey, don't keep it to yourself..." My eyes were still half closed and I was extremely tired, but I couldn't sleep knowing my lover had been sobbing on my shoulder throughout the night.

Diluc looked up and we made eye contact. His eyes were red and puffy, though it wasn't easy to see due to the dark.

"...I genuinely do not want to lose you, Y/N..." He whispered, the tears already coming back to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gazed up at his crimson red eyes.

"You're not ever going to lose me, don't worry..." I rested one of my hands on his cheek and gave him a smile, but Diluc found it difficult to return it.

"...What about when you grow old and I don't..?" His voice got shaky as he finished the question. It struck me speechless.

"I know there are ways to stop that from happening, but... I do not want to hurt you, Y/N... ever. You're so special to me..."

Not knowing what to do, I pressed my lips against Diluc's and took that as an advantage to think about his question.
What would happen when I grow up? Diluc does not age, I clearly do.

He pulled away after a moment and cuddled close to me, seeming to have calmed down a lot.
"It's okay, we can talk about that in the future... you shouldn't worry about it right now." I kissed his shiny hair and yawned slightly.

"I do not want to turn you into a monster... but Kaeya hurt you, and he could always do it again... I don't know what to do, anymore..." Diluc buried his face in my neck once again and tears started to roll down his face again. From this, I knew it was best to let him let all of these emotions out.

For several minutes, he just cried his feelings out. I ran my fingers through his hair to help him endure the rush of emotions he must have been feeling.

"You okay?" I whispered.


"Do you want to feed?" I asked, waiting patiently for Diluc's response.

Though it took him a little while to react, he nodded. He must have felt bad telling the truth.

Diluc looked up and gently picked up my wrist, before lightly biting on to it and closing his eyes.
It did not hurt whatsoever, he was careful and took his time, unlike what Kaeya did.

"Mh..." Diluc soon lifted his head and wiped the excess blood off of my wrist, however he had some around his mouth. I wiped it off with my finger and laughed.

"Sorry..." In embarrassment, he looked down. On the other hand, I gazed out the window and looked at what I could see, which was the moon.

Diluc glanced at me and smirked lightly.

"Stop being so gorgeous, I might just have to marry you..." He whispered very quietly, probably not intending for me to hear it - but I did. My face heated up and I quickly moved my glance away from the window.

What an eventful night.

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now