Chapter 6

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Diluc put his fingers on my neck, feeling for some sort of a steady pulse that would give him enough reassurance that I'd be okay.

My pulse was there, but it wasn't beating as much as it should - and the very last thing Diluc wanted was for me to become a vampire like him.

"Y/N? You okay?" Diluc looked down to see my eyes closed. He started to panic.

"Y/N??" Diluc started to shake my shoulders, holding me on his lap.


"Mm..." I quietly mumbled under my breath, practically hitting Diluc with a wave of relief.
"I'm going to quickly take you back to my house, okay?" Diluc ran his fingers through my hair, waiting for a response.
In return, I nodded, and before I knew it I was placed on his kitchen counter.

I watched Diluc clean his hands, then put on his gloves. From that, I realised he was going to clean what Kaeya did to my neck.
He grabbed a clean cloth and gently placed it on my wound, causing me to wince as it stung.

"Sorry. I promise it'll feel better afterwards."

The bleeding slowly started to stop, so the pain was put at ease too.
He placed a bandage on the now clean wound and smiled.
"Thanks. And sorry." I yawned and got off the counter, lightly tapping the bandage.

"Why are you sorry?" Diluc asked, gazing at me in confusion.
"Because I got hurt, and you had to miss your shift. And you took time to take care of me." I replied looking down.

All of a sudden, I felt warm arms wrap around me. I glanced up and made eye contact with Diluc.
"Don't be daft, I love you, Y/N. You will forever be my first priority.

I smiled at him.
"You should go to sleep, just to rest. I can't imagine how much pain you've felt tonight." Diluc took me to our bedroom.
"Okay, I will."

Diluc tucked me in and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Goodnight, my love. I'll see you in the morning."

Now that I had fallen asleep, Diluc agreed to himself it was time to deal with Kaeya.
He headed back to Mondstadt and walked behind the tavern.
"Oh? I did not expect you of all people to come back, brother..." The same voice chuckled and came out of the shadows.

"You know why I'm here. Why did you hurt her?" Diluc tried to keep his cool, and not get too frustrated at his brother until he crossed the line.

"Well, I just wanted to see why you were so obsessed with Y/N, firstly. I thought you were just bringing her around to feed on. But I was wrong, wasn't I? You're in love with her...?" Kaeya smirked.

Diluc kept his mouth shut.

"Ah, seems I was right..." Kaeya started, folding his arms. "I would've thought you've hurt enough people."

"And what do you mean by that?" Diluc snapped back at him spitefully.

"Goodness me..."


"Father is dead, Diluc. He was human, as well. Don't you think Y/N will share the same fate?" Kaeya asked, staring at Diluc almost furiously.

"Father was not a human. You know this." Diluc's voice started to raise. "And I do everything in my power to protect Y/N anyway."

"What will you do, then? Turn her into a monster like us?" Kaeya chuckled, followed by a sigh.

"I am not doing that. I would not take a human's choice away from them." Diluc folded his arms. It's not like he hadn't thought about it before.

"And what if she does want to, hm?"

"Then I'd give it a while before she changed her mind. It's not up to you OR me, Kaeya. I am in love, yet you have to ruin it for me all the time." Diluc rolled his eyes.

"No no, you bring this upon yourself, Diluc. Don't come crying to me when the love of your life dies." Kaeya laughed and walked away, leaving Diluc astonished and angry.

Diluc walked home as well. The temptation to kill Kaeya was so strong; but he knew he couldn't.
Soon enough, Diluc got home and headed upstairs.

The view of his beloved peacefully sleeping in his clothes and bedsheets lightened his mood a lot.
Diluc climbed into bed and put his arms beneath my own.

"Everything alright...?" I whispered in a raspy voice.

"Never better."

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now