Chapter 12

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"Hey, Diluc?" I asked, after the day had passed since our encounter with the Good Hunter waiter.

"Yes?" Diluc turned around, suddenly intrigued.

"I know it's kind of awkward to talk about sometimes... but I've had a few questions about you being a vampire and all for a while..." I quickly replied, looking away.

"Oh, really? What are your questions, my love?"

The nickname he gave me caught me off guard for a second.
"U-Um... well... when did you become a vampire? And why?" It sounded kind of like an interview, which was oddly embarrassing.

"Hm... I can't exactly remember when... but my father became a vampire before me. I suppose I did not want him to have to live with the guilt of killing people by himself. Kaeya, on the other hand... I believe he did it for the thrill of tasting human blood."

My eyes widened. I knew Kaeya was a bad person... but I did not expect that.

"Oh. ...And I'm sorry about your father." I added, trying not to upset him at all.

Diluc's face twisted into a smile, and he pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you. I am just... glad, that you're here with me." He pressed his lips against mine, and my arms slowly travelled around his neck.

"Ah, it's already getting late? I'd say we should head to bed soon." Diluc pulled away and looked at a clock.
I didn't look away, and when Diluc turned his head to face me again he lifted a brow in confusion.

"What is it? Are you upset we did not kiss for longer?" He teased, and quietly started to laugh at me.
I quickly ran upstairs and climbed into bed, before pulling the covers over me.

Diluc followed me and got into bed as well.
"Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep tight."

It was not real.
Although it wasn't real, why did it hurt so badly to see?

It was just a nightmare.
Seeing Diluc's body on the concrete, blood spilling out...

Who was guilty for this?
I wanted to kill them.
I wanted to make them suffer for murdering my true love.

What were these emotions?

Who did it?

Was it Kaeya?

Why won't they leave us alone?

I jolted awake in confusion, sadness, and anger.
Such a weird nightmare...

"Are you okay? What is the matter?" Diluc mumbled, half asleep. I slowly lay back down and sighed to myself.

"It's nothing, just a nightmare. You should go back to sleep..." I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Not after seeing you so distressed... what was your nightmare about, if I may ask?" Diluc turned over and pulled me close. He shut his eyes, but still listened.

"Why won't Kaeya and that waiter leave us alone? Neither of them gave you this much trouble before I came along... I don't get it..." I mumbled.

"They are just jealous that they don't get to feel the love that we do for each other. They want to ruin it, and we should not let them do that." Diluc started, planting a kiss on my head.

"For now, we should just... relax. Enjoy each other's company. Tomorrow, we could talk about the future, or something. I just want to enjoy my time with you, and neither of those two will stop me from doing that. You never know, one day... maybe we will have the chance to spend forever together. Only time will tell."

I smiled as my mind was put at ease by Diluc's comforting words. I closed my eyes and embraced being in his arms, similar to what he had told me.
Perhaps I would become a vampire like him someday... only the future can decide it.

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now