Chapter 8

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As Diluc lifted his face from my neck, he could hear the blood pumping through it. He realised how much he wanted to taste the sweet, addictive taste of fresh human blood... but not treasure hoarders this time...

But he didn't want to hurt me. Not here. Not now. Not ever.

He soon realised the closest victim except me... would be Adelinde.

She would be an obvious target though, right?

Diluc sighed and acknowledged he would have to wait for the right opportunity to taste the blood he wants to.
"Hey, do you want to go to Mondstadt? I'd reckon you're hungry?" Diluc suggested, motivated more by love than lust.
"Yeah, sure..." I stretched my arms and stood up, waiting for Diluc to use his speed.

He picked me up bridal style and ran to Mondstadt. I held on to Diluc's chest for support - he looked so in love when our eyes met.
We walked to Good Hunter, and to my surprise, there was a new waiter there. A boy with blonde hair and pale skin. He looked nice.

Me and Diluc took a seat, and the boy came up to us.
"Why, good morning! What can I-" He got interrupted by himself as his gaze moved to me.

"A-Ah.. uh... sorry, what would you two like to order?" He continued, not having the strength to take his eyes off of me. This pissed Diluc off by the second.
"Um.. I'll just have one Moon Pie, please..." I replied politely, looking down at the floor nervously. Diluc caught on to this and grabbed hold of my hand under the table.

"Alrighty, and what about you, Sir?" The boy turned to Diluc. He shook his head.

"Nothing for me, thank you."

"O-kayyy...?" He walked away and started to bake my order.
I turned my head to look at Diluc.

"You're not-" I started, but got interrupted.

"I don't like the way he was looking at you..." Diluc shot a furious gaze at the back of the blonde's head.

"Me neither..." I replied, to Diluc's surprise. My response meant that he would have no shame killing the bastard.

A few minutes later, he came back with my Moon Pie. He placed it in front of me, and not to my realization, also placed a note in my pocket.

Just as I was about to dig in, Diluc grabbed the note with his speed and opened it.

"Hey cutie,
We should hang out. You're really pretty~ say, how about you call me after my shift?"

After reading it, Diluc scrumpled up the note and stood up.

"Don't worry darling, I'll be right back..."

My heart fluttered at what he said, however I was completely oblivious to what Diluc was about to do.

He walked up to the waiter and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh! How can I help ya?" He gave Diluc a somewhat sarcastic smile, to which Diluc returned it with a frown.

"I have a complaint about the food. Mind following me?" Diluc didn't bother to hear his answer and walked into a secluded and quiet area.

"S-So... what's the problem?" He asked nervously.

"I read the note you secretly gave to my girlfriend." Diluc shoved him against the wall, which stifled a chuckle out of him.

"Oh? It's about that? She's hot, so whaddya expect?" He almost cracked up laughing.

Diluc gave him a stern look.
"I expect everyone to respect my property, especially little waiters like you." He replied.

"Agh, what? She's not yours!"

"I beg to differ."

"You said this conversation was going to be about the food!"

"No. That's you."

Diluc quickly grabbed his shoulder and stabbed his teeth into the blonde man's neck. Blood splattered out on to Diluc's cheeks and the waiter dropped to the floor, no movement coming from him whatsoever.

Diluc wiped his cheeks and smiled. He picked up the body and used his speed as an advantage to dispose of it. By the time Diluc was back, I'd finished my food.
"Ah, you're finished?" Diluc started, placing his mora on the table to pay. "Good, there was something I wanted to show you."

Before I could comply, Diluc quickly ran somewhere far away from the city and pushed my back against a wall.
He pressed his lips against mine roughly, feeling quite... insane after what he did to the waiter. He was in love. Madly. And nothing could stop him from protecting me.

[btw yall the waiter isnt aether]

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now