Chapter 7

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"Good morning..." I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I did not get a reply from Diluc.
As I turned, I noticed he was still sleeping. Late night, maybe?
I smiled, and then put my hands on his luscious hair. It was soft and fluffy, yet seemed quite tangled at first.

"If you wanted to touch my hair, you could've just asked~" Diluc whispered, making me jump.
"Aha, good morning." He chuckled and opened his eyes slowly, making eye contact with me. I broke it almost immediately.

"Morning..." I lay my head back and sighed, feeling quite tired.

"You look pretty in my clothes, Y/N. I wouldn't mind seeing you in them all the time~" My face went pink at his comment. What was making Diluc act so flirty today?

"Not with a bandage on my neck, I don't." I laughed under my breath and yawned again, tears filling my eyes due to how tired I was.
"It will heal, don't worry... I just hope you don't feel any pain." Diluc put his hand on my head.

I lay my head on his chest and shut my eyes again.
"Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to come to the winery with me today? You know, just have a break with all of the Kaeya business..." Diluc asked, stroking my head. Even the thought of Kaeya angered him.

I nodded.
"Yeah, that'd be cool... but I do have a question." I gazed up at Diluc. He expected it to be about the winery.


"How would a vampire make a human... like them?"

My question shocked Diluc, as his eyes widened.
"Oh, uh... I guess a human would just have to drink vampire blood?" He broke his eye contact with me and took a deep breath.

"A-Anyways! Enough of that... let's get ready, I don't think that's such a positive conversation topic..." Diluc awkwardly laughed and got up.


After we got dressed, we started to head out to the winery. Diluc seemed more than happy to have me in some of his spare clothes again - though they were a little too big.

"So... have you been to the winery a lot? What's it like?" Just as I asked, Diluc's hand brushed against mine.
Diluc started laughing at me. I was super confused.

"Y/N, dear, I own the winery." He was still laughing as he finished the sentence. I gasped in shock.

"What? You do?!" I looked up at him. Diluc turned to look at me as well and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and the tavern..." I put my hand against Diluc's, and he willingly took it into his palm. I looked down slightly in embarrassment.

I clutched Diluc's hand tighter as we arrived at the winery. It was very pretty and seemed quite fancy.
"My workers are not in today, so we have the entire place to ourselves. I have a little bit of work to do, so feel free to make yourself at home while I finish it off." Diluc put his hand on my head before heading upstairs to a room which would probably be his office.

I turned right and saw a small area filled with books and chairs. I held a book, wiped off the dust and opened it.
It was somewhat like a story. I sat down on one of the sofas and continued to read to pass the time.

Diluc finished writing around 25 minutes after he left. The work took him less time than expected.
He slowly walked back downstairs, trying not to get my attention.
To his surprise, he noticed I was just silently reading a book.

"Ah!" I yelled, almost smacking Diluc with the book I was holding. He had snuck over here and scared the living daylights out of me.
"Woah! Careful..." Diluc dodged the book with his speed and nervously laughed.

"Quite the self defense you've got there..." He sat beside me, looking like he was about to laugh.

"You're being sarcastic!" I replied, pretending to hit Diluc with the book I was holding again. He caught it and looked at the cover.

"Were you bored reading this?" Diluc asked, shooting a glance at me. I shook my head.

"Oh? I thought the books here were quite boring. Pretty sure there's better books at the knights of favonius headquarters, and that's definitely something."

"Heh, well aren't you a charmer!~" I teased, reaching to put the book back. Diluc looked somewhat sarcastically offended by what I had said.

"I can be." He folded his arms.

"Oh, really?"


I raised an eyebrow at Diluc, and in response he looked into my eyes.

"Prove it, then." Just as I blinked, Diluc was gone. I thought he'd left the room or something, but I was wrong.

"Behind you~"

I turned my head and just as I saw Diluc, I felt his warm lips press against mine. I was confused at first, but I kissed him back.

My back was gradually pushed backwards on to the sofa, while Diluc was still kissing me.
He placed his hand on my neck, the side that had no bandage on it.
Diluc lightly bit my bottom lip until it drew blood; then shut his eyes and licked my lips until it was clean. This made my face go bright pink.

I could tell Diluc was about to take his shirt off, but we heard the winery's door open. We opened our eyes and exchanged glances, before practically pulling ourselves away from each other and acting natural.

"Ah! Master Diluc! Sorry, I'm back quite early! I hope it's not a- oh, who's this?" Adelinde, Diluc's head maid, smiled at me. I gave her a smile back before looking at Diluc. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Oh, uh... it's not a problem, me and my colleague here were just leaving." Diluc grabbed my hand lightly and left the winery.

As soon as we walked far away from the winery, I started laughing.
"C-Colleague!" I stuttered from how much I was laughing.
"Hey, Adelinde doesn't know anything about me, let alone us!" Diluc excused himself and sighed, knowing I wasn't going to forget this.

"Forget it, let's just go sit somewhere..!" Diluc's cheeks went a bit red, but to hide it he walked in front of me to a small river.

We sat down on the sand and sighed, looking at the pretty view in front of us.
"So... are we going to pretend what we almost did on the sofa never happened?" Diluc asked, slowly starting to braid my hair. I shut my eyes and nodded.

"Probably, I've never seen that side of you before...!" Even though I sounded embarrassed, my heart fluttered at the thought of it.
"Oh, did you feel intimidated?" Diluc asked. I quickly tried to change the subject.

"Uh..." I started, about to ask another question.
"Did you find out why Kaeya hurt me?" I glanced down, hoping Diluc would answer. He continued braiding my hair.
"No..." He lied. It hurt to do that, but he didn't want to worry me.

"Oh... honestly, if you hadn't found me, I would've died. I can't thank you enough for that." Diluc listened to what I had to say.
"And when you saved me from the treasure hoarders when we first met. I was so lonely before then, that's why I didn't care about them killing me either way. But you saved my life, Diluc. I really do love you." It wasn't easy to say all of that. Diluc hugged me from behind, planting a kiss on my neck.

"I love you too, and I always will. You're so special to me, Y/N."

Diluc x Reader [Vampire AU]Where stories live. Discover now