The execution

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Rafal fidgets nervously, waiting for Sophie to arrive. Where the hell is she?  All he did was find new nevers for the school for new evil - and Sophie had disappeared in his absence. With the teachers throwing him worried glances, he sat up straighter in his seat in The Theatre Of Tales, the teachers sitting on the row next to him, the clock ticking by.

Come on, Sophie, Rafal thought. He was about to jump up to find her when Sophie waltzed in in a dazzling gown, the one Rafal had given her except Sophie had made a few alterations. The dress was longer and sparkled, the lace gone and replaced with velvet, a train of fabric slinking behind her like a train. Her hair was swept up into a bun, her heels clicking against the floor, and to top it off, she was wearing her crown and snake skin gloves. " Sorry for my lateness," Sophie purred, taking a seat beside Rafal. " I had some business to attend to," Sophie said, giving Rafal a coy smile. Knowing better than to ask where she had been, Rafal just gave her a kiss on the cheek. " Let's get this started then shall we?"

Underneath the Theatre Of Tales, the floor of the stage slid open like a door, revealing the prisoners underneath,  their bottom halves entombed in ice : Merlin, Anadil, Dot, Hester, Lancelot ( still with a wound in his shoulder ), Hort and all the old heroes that had survived the battle. When seeing Sophie and the School Master, their eyes widened in fear, turning towards Sophie as a last plea. Asking the girl who liked pink, chased after princes, and was the fourth dorm mate of room 66. But, that girl was gone and Sophie turned away from them, her face cold as ice. 

Rafal stood up, brushed his suit and stood before his Queen  and his employees. " I present to you...the betrayers and enemies of us and our school," Rafal began, on fire now. " Hester - twice betrayer of evil and harmed our deceased dean, Aric. Dot and Anadil also betrayers of evil and assisted Tedros to get into my own tower, Merlin and Lancelot, enemies as well as all of you heroes." Rafal finished with a dark smile. " My queen, what do you say we do with them?"

Sophie joined Rafal, and laced their hands together with a smile. " Torture them and then kill them. They should die knowing true pain." 

" No!" Anadil screamed, her rats curled around her shoulders, scared. In a flash, Rafal sent a curse towards Anadil's three rats, killing them instantly. Anadil burst into sobs, holding her pets in the palm of her hand. Comfortingly, Hester and Dot put an arm around her shoulders. Hester looked up at them from below, fury raging in her eyes. " You're evil! Pure evil! Hester yelled, before Rafal swiftly cast a spell, caking their top halves in ice too, so they were in a coffin of cold. 

Rafal snaked an arm around Sophie's waist and kissed her lips passionately. When they finally broke apart, Rafal whispered in her ear - " Let's get on with torture, shall we?" 

Sophie giggled, about to sit down and wait for the torturing tools but instead there was a loud thrum in the air, coming from the brig. Pale, Sophie glanced down. in the brig was Guinevere, the Lady of the Lake and all the Gilikin fairies, desperately trying to set the prisoners free. Sophie smirked as she and Rafal flew down to the brig. Guinevere froze, although she still glanced around for her son, her eyes wild with fear.

" Hello Guinevere," Sophie prowled. " Here to join the party, darling?" 

" Where is he? Where's my son?" Guinevere rasped.

" He would love for you to visit him in his new home," Sophie said with a too sweet smile.

" Where is that?" 

Dread was pooling in Guinevere's eyes as the Lady Of The Lake stood behind her protectively.  "We call it death, here. Would you like to join him?" Sophie asked with a dark grin as she tilted her head to the side, gold hair spinning out.

In a flash, Sophie fired a stun spell at Guinevere, who only just managed to duck, banging her head on ice as the Lady Of The Lake began firing curses at Sophie and Rafal. Guinevere stumbled back up and was using heat spells to melt the ice while her enemies were occupied. Two vs two. Sophie, catching wind of Guinevere, began racing after her while Rafal continued to fight The Lady. 

As Sophie reached Guinevere she saw Hester, Anadil and Dot behind her. Gritting her teeth, Sophie shot a blast of light at the three of them, blinding them, before quickly turning to Dot's frozen coffin and firing a death spell at her, Dot powerless. " No!" Anadil and Hester screamed as the third member of the coven, died, still tombed in ice. Sophie glared at them, her hot pink fingertip steaming. " If you don't stop your hare-brained attempt to free everyone, Lancelot will be next," Sophie threatened. Guinevere looked utterly heartbroken at this statement as Hort cut in. "It's not too late Sophie. Come back to good." 

Sophie laughed. " After it was my fault Agatha and Tedros are dead? That I killed my own father and your precious friend, Dot? Really?"

Hort stiffened. " Its never too late..." 

Hester glared at her former friend. " I'd rather die than be allies with that she wolf."

" The feeling is mutual," Sophie replied. 

Guinevere took a deep breath. She knew what she had to do. She lightened her unused sky blue finger-glow and sent Sophie's ring off her finger. Sophie cried in shock as she struggled in vain to get it as it bounced across the floor, while the rest of them freed more prisoners : Merlin, Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Jack, Pinocchio... but they couldn't reach Lancelot in time, as Sophie had got back up, her ring firmly on her finger, and sent a curse at Lancelot. He died instantly, his blood filling up the ice a crimson red shade. Guinevere began to sob immensely as Evil's Queen stood there, cold. Rafal sprinted towards her to help, as The Lady joined Guinevere.

The two sides stared at each other for a second, not sure what to do, although it didn't last. As Rafal and Sophie fired curses at them, The Lady Of The Lake whisked good back to the safe haven. They were gone. 

Sophie stood frozen for a second before smiling. " They do know what escaping like cowards has cost them," Sophie sneered as she killed all the other old heroes in an instant.  Rafal grinned. "Why, yes they do," He smirked, kissing Sophie lustfully on the cheek. They flew back up to The Theatre Of Tales, watching the teachers gape, their jaws dropped. 

" Excuse us for that interruption," Rafal said " The execution is over but I have some announcements. The old villains are currently burying all the dead from the war.  We will attend the funeral in two days time for the lives lost. Tomorrow we will be welcoming new students, hand picked by me. In three days time, we will figure out what to do about the survivors of good." 

The teachers nodded and exited, mumbling and muttering to each other as they filed out. 

" That was quite the execution," Sophie smirked, interlacing her and Rafal's fingers.

" Oh it was," Rafal replied. 

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