Evil reigns

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She did it. She actually did it. I knew she would, and I glance at her across the war unfolding all around us, gold hair spinning, green eyes lit with unchecked fury. 

Together we will reign over the world. Me, Rafal, and my Evil Queen. 

It's out of nowhere at all, where the sound of scuttling draws closer and closer. In the distance, a thousand rats spring forwards, drawing closer. I gape, horrified, as they attack my soldiers with a vengeance. They're the biggest rats I've ever seen, the size of a horses. This was unaccounted for. Atop the biggest rat of all, I see Anadil, commanding them. I fight the urge to seethe but keep my cool. My army's dwindling. I need to do something. Fortunately for me, Sophie has an idea. She shoots a paralysing spell at Anadil who is currently very exposed. Anadil stiffens quickly, falling to the ground ina flurry, disappearing. The rats aren't stopped of course, but it'll cause some panic. 

Like I killed my brother, Sophie killed Agatha. It's almost over. Good soldiers are falling like helpless mannequins, with Anadil gone. Flurries of curses and spells shoot from my palm, killing instantly, soldiers crumpling into piles of smoking ash. There's a specific person I need to kill and I see her at the edge of my vision, sprawled on the ground, doing her best to shoot spells to help. Her leg's twisted at a strange angle, unnatural. Perfect. Daphne, the dragon slayer, at my mercy. She sees me coming and tries to crawl away but she's too slow and I'm too fast. 

"I've been waiting to meet you," I purr, standing over her, pressing my boot down onto her hand. Daphne has the audacity to spit up at me and I smirk. "You're a monster," she screams. "Kill me now or let me go."

"I don't want to kill you, Daphne." I say and it's the truth. She's far too powerful and important to die. No, I have other things in store. 

She scoffs, deep in her throat. "What do you want with me?" She asks plainly. 

"Hmm?" I say, pondering for dramatic effect. "To cooperate." I emphasise.

"If you refuse I will kill you. If you accept you may be a general one day here although you'll have to earn my trust first."

Her eyes flit on the battlefield, looking for someone. I wouldn't be surprised if Little Miss Dragon Slayer had a lover of her own. She's weighing up her options. Dying will do her no good but her pride doesn't let her accept defeat. I know the feeling. Her voice is hoarse, barely a whisper, it almost escapes on the wind. "I accept."

Me and Sophie move onto the final secret phase of the plan we told no one about for confidential reasons. We head deeper into Camelot's city, fighting past the murky fray of the battle and up to the Castle. It's a gorgeous structure really - white gold spires, towering full of intricate details most people probably don't even notice. 

My sisters are here, somewhere too cowardly to fight. They're a strange coven and looking at us you wouldn't guess we're related. I'm young, handsome - they're old and ugly. It's the truth, although I've never told them my opinion for obvious reasons. 

"Rafal," a voice comes from the shadows, husky and old. Sophie spins, her eyes wide and her finger glows. "You don't need to worry," I murmur, giving her arm a quick squeeze and she relaxes, deflating. "Sisters," I say, "no need to hide in the shadows." 

They come out together, three identical silhouettes with hunched backs and gnarled fingers. I barely stop myself wincing at the sight of what's become of them. Salt and pepper hair, thin frames, thin lips, almond shaped eyes. They were beautiful once. Chestnut brown hair, dark eyes, icy pale skin.  

"It's been a while," Bethna replies. She was always the most talkative one, the spokesperson of the devilish trio. "It has indeed but we're reunited now."

Alpa raises an eyebrow. "Why should we help you, dear brother? You did kill Rhian."

"I was always your favourite." I press. 

A ghost of a smile flits across Omeida's face. "You were, Rafal," she coos. "I hear we have nephews now? Twin brothers?" She smirks. 

Sophie's fists clench beside me. I understand she doesn't like to think about the idea of being Rhian and Japeth's stepmother one day. I don't either.

"A mistake," I say. 

"We'd like to meet them very much."Bethna smiles. 

"So you will," I respond, "will you join me and Sophie, sisters?"

I link hands with Sophie's, showing them our devotion to each other in a small way. They study our hands and then Sophie. "Pretty girl," Alpa muses. "You always managed to charm them."

"I love Sophie," I answer hotly because it's true. She's not like the others - she's my true love, my soulmate. 

"I love Rafal," Sophie speaks up for the time, her burning green eyes, the colour of emeralds, flitting between the sisters and they falter with the intensity of her stare, even taking a step backwards. She scares them.

"So be it." Bethna decides. "We'll join you but you must grant us youth."

I grin. "Happily."

It's almost too easy to make them young again. For someone to have already cheated old age, I know a temporary potion, which I brought from the School in my pocket. I know my sisters well enough to know that this was their price. I stand before them, my sisters back in their youth, as intimidating, beautiful and devilish as I remember. I embrace each of them in turn before turning to Sophie. 

"Let's finish this," she says, not bothering to hide her smirk. I kiss her gently on the forehead and she slips her hand in mine. 

We ascend to the highest balcony in the castle, the sisters behind us. Huge gusts of wind almost blow us back but we carry on forth, squinting down at the city below us, able to see forests too stretch for miles and miles. I cast a quick spell under my breath to amplify my voice. The time has come. 

"My dear citizens," I begin, and the battle ceases, soldiers from both sides squinting up at me. "Evil has won and you know it. You're lucky I have mercy, Good. Join us and you will live, Refuse and you die. It's a simple choice with so many consequences. I hope you make the right one."

Sophie carries on from where I left off, looking every inch a Queen. "Join the New Dawn and the new morning or always be in the night, the dark. Join us, and live. Join us, be Evil. Aren't you fed up trying to be someone you're not? Embrace your Evil, stop lying to yourself. Evil is the New Good. Rise with the New Dawn." 

There's silence for a few seconds before chants begin breaking out. "Never After! Never After!" The good soldiers join in, until the cheers must be echoing across the woods with the impact and volume of their voices. They're all just sheep, following the herd. I breathe a sigh of relief and pull Sophie into a kiss. And so one war is over. 

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