Into the Rotte Sewer

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It was evening by the time they reached the farm Hazel had spoken of. The sky was a beautiful midnight blue, silver stars shining in the sky. There was a slight breeze in the air as they rode their horses down the moors, the grass a healthy basil shade, rustling softly. The horses galloped on, the three girls peering into the distance to try and make out where it was they wished to go. 

They were all exhausted. None had slept since they had made camp on their journey to Old Maple Cottage and that had only been for three hours or so. It had been twenty four hours since then, no break, just riding on. 

What was on Anadil's mind more than the need of sleep though, was Hester. They had been talking about their feelings as they made their way from the Safe Haven but had been rudely interrupted by Rafal. Ever since then, neither had brought it up. Excusably, they had both been busy - extremely busy, but Anadil wished to bring it up soon. 

" In the distance." Hazel croaked, pointing a pale finger at the distant mountains.

" Murmuring Mountains." Hester breathed.

The Murmuring Mountains, so to say, were ablaze with fire. It burned and roared, a thick cloud of smoke and ash rising into the sky, blackening it. It was only then that Anadil felt fear. Absolute fear struck her cold heart. The shape above the mountains, where the fire came from. A dragon. Dragons were on Good's side, but Good would never attack the Murmuring Mountains, at least not at this time. Anyway Good never attacked, they defended instead. Terror. The dragons had crossed over to evil.

" Let's move," Anadil said firmly, trying to ignore the blaze in the distance. They entered the main part of the farm, where all the crops grew, and galloped over to the stables. Hazel grabbed a lock pick from her tattered clothes and quickly opened the door. The smell of hay entered their noses. Hazel smiled weakly. " I learned how to lock pick from my father." She explained as they slipped inside to the pitch blackness. They scrambled off their horses, who promptly fell to the floor in their tiredness. 

" We need rest." Hester yawned, feeling her way through before finding a corner and curling up in a pile of hay. Anadil lay next to her, listening to the sounds of Hester's breathing. Probably asleep. She was about to sleep herself when she felt Hester's eyes on her. 

" Hey." 

" Hey." Anadil whispered back.

" It's not every day you see the Murmuring Mountains on fire." 

" No. No it isn't." 

"I'm scared." Hester admitted. 

It took Anadil by surprise - Hester feared nothing.

" I'm scared too." Anadil agreed. 

" If this is the end, Anadil..." Hester paused. " I want to spend my last moments with you."

They didn't need to say any more as Hester brought her lips to Anadil's. They didn't need to. 

Hazel woke at dawn, groggy. Yes, sleep was good but her priority was not seeing the Queen of Jaunt Jolie, it was saving Diablo who looked worse than ever. He didn't have long to live. Six hours, she guessed. 

" Wake up lovebirds." Hazel teased. They sprang apart from each other sheepishly - they had been snuggling together. 

" We aren't lovebirds." Hester denied. 

" No? Well, we should get moving." 

They quickly grabbed their supplies and followed Hazel's lead. She sort of remembered where they had been. The journey through them had not been pleasant, many rats had been there, but of course she had been invisible so they hadn't seen her luckily. Rotte means rat, the sewer was named after them. They were rumoured to attack lost folk who wandered through their lair. 

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