War ready

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Sophie admired herself in the mirror, inspecting her golden blonde hair and her malicious green eyes which glowed brighter than ever. They were setting off to Camelot tomorrow to battle with Good. Sophie knew Good would ambush them there, Evil leaked the location they were travelling to. It was no mistake. They would be prepared for the 'surprise attack' and claim victory. After all, the Ruler of Evil couldn't be killed without her help.

For hours and hours yesterday she had created her own armour and clothing for the battle. Black as night armour, with a silver chain belt, leather hugging leggins and a half metal skirt. Upon her head was her Evil crown and she wore an oversized snakeskin scarf in case she needed to disappear for a short time. Evil could be beautiful.

Sophie had forgotten about Rhian and the moments they shared because at the end of the day they meant nothing at all. Rafal was the real thing and Rhian just a guy she'd had some chemistry with.  The dreams had begun to stop which made her incredibly relieved and after she and her soulmate had won the pathetic battle Good thought they could win, everything would be right. 


Daphne hadn't known Hester but she too was worried. She was powerful, strong, a good asset in the war. Yet she had disappeared. Anadil was grave about the subject but she seemed to know what had occurred. "There was someone trying to assassinate us on our way here," she claimed. "If I had to guess, it was him."

Between preparations and plans the conclusion was there was no way Hester could be helped unless they won the war. Rumour has it that Evil would be be travelling in Camelot, the leaderless city and Good would ambush them there.

Daphne was currently in the armoury, sharpening her staff and inspecting it also. How had she never known her family had magical blood? Was she descended from fairy tale blood? If so, why was her family utterly broke? She realised with pang that no one could answer her questions. If she wished to know she'd have to find it out for herself. With a heavy heart, she sighed and continued sharpening and rounding off edges.

"Cool staff." A voice commented behind her.

Daphne turned to see Hazel behind her and smiled gratefully. "Thanks." If she thought about it, she and Hazel weren't all that different. They had both been exiled or had to leave their homes from one way or another before finding people who could help them and ending up...here. "Where's yours?" She asked.

"It's just a normal blade. Nothing special." Hazel's eyes sparkled. " I have a much more different and overwhelming job than just being infantry."

"What is it?" She answered curiously. 

"I'm a spy," she whispered. 

"And?" Daphne probed. 

"It's an honour really. I just hope they don't have special enchantments or I don't end up in a werewolves dinner."

Daphne let out a small laugh. "I feel like everyone's relying on me just because I have a staff I don't know how to use."

"We're quite similar, you and I." Daphne looked up into Hazel's misty grey eyes and saw the same pain, the same hardships she had too endured. "My parents let them take me away and I was so alone, starving to death in Avalon until Hester and Anadil found me. I too had a special family heirloom that saved me more ways than one."

Daphne looked down. "You're lucky you have parents."

"I don't see them as anything. I lost them the day they let the royal family try to sacrifice me. Events like that show you who your true friends are and I had none."

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