You and me

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Glittering jet, midnight silk, sharp heels made of glass. I stand in front of the mirror in the School Master's tower. Or well, me and Rafal's tower. It's been two weeks since we won our victory against Good and we've had errands to run, jobs to do and loose threads to secure. Rhian officially holds Camelot and is now our ally as well as all the other kingdoms including the Good ones. Our most loyal and trusted followers our controlling the cities for us, keep it in check. They know better than to cross us.  The sky ahead is an inky black, glistening with stars. Me and Rafal both decided we'd rather have our wedding at night. 

Me and Rafal's Coronation/Wedding is today. I'm wearing a beautiful gown, all black silk and sparkling jet, intricate with patterns and the whole dress itself is exquisite. Gothic in the style gorgeous, paired with glass shoes and a lacy black vail, my hair tied back into a messy bun. I've made sure my skin is healthy and smooth with a charcoal facemask.

Hester finally agreed to cooperate as did Anadil, Farkas, Hort and Daphne and they serve as generals, a reward for their allegiance and I can see in their eyes they won't cross us. Merlin is on the wind and he hasn't been found yet but he will. Soon, there'll be nowhere for him to hide. A bloom of excitement and happiness bursts in my chest. I'm getting married today, finally a wife. Finally a Queen, something I've waited my whole life to be. 

I think I'll always miss Agatha. Rafal cannot fill the hole in my heart that can only be cured by a best friend. I love her, I always will. I'll never forget her. After everything, I think she would have wanted me to be happy - so happy I will be. I laid flowers on her grave this morning, roses, pure white like her soul. 

"Sophie?" A voice calls from behind me and I spin to see Rhian, looking handsome in blue and gold, Camelot colours. I had feelings for him once, but I'm ready to move on and for us to become family. Same with Japeth. "You look good," I say honestly.

"You too," he says with a forced smile. 

"Look," I begin, striding forwards and putting my hand in his. "I know we had know. I hope we can put whatever we had behind us. Be family."

He laughs. "Sophie, I'll never see you as my stepmother."

I laugh too. "No, well, I'll never see you as my step son. Can we be friends?"

"Of course." He murmurs, the truth that he means it reflected in his eyes. "Now, shall I take you to the Wedding?"

Rhian is giving me way after a lot of discussion. My father's dead, family nonexistent and he seemed the best choice. He was happy to do it which makes me glad. Japeth and I don't see eye to eye. He's strange and gives me the chills especially with that suit he has and those scims. Horrible, if you ask me but he keeps silent, giving me a smirk here and there. 

It's a grand occasion, on the School's lawn, with balloons and so mnay chairs, a grand aisle, the primary colours black and white. The buffet table is grand with so many different foods. Caviar topped canapes, rosemary and lemon chicken bites, watermelon cubes with burrata, seared tuna with wasabi seaweed salad,  mango cheescake, fried almonds, tiramisu, the list goes on and on. 

Rafal is talking with potential deans, smiling an easy grin, his eyes alight. He looks so handsome it takes my breath away. I run up behind him and hug him from the back,wrapping my hands around his neck, not to hurt obviously. He turns around and smiles, lifting me up, causing me to laugh and we share a kiss, and I smile so much it hurts.

I have two bridesmaids - Bianca and Daphne. I'm not friends with either of them but they project a good image of me. Daphne looks so different from the last time I saw. Her silky strawberry blonde hair has grown past her shoulders and curls at the ends. She looks like a princess without her scars or armour, I fight the urge to smirk at how far she has fallen, in her dark green gown. 

Guests sit down as I prepare to go through the arch way, made of deep green ivy and black roses. I'm ready. All eyes are on me as I walk slowly down the aisle, Rhian beside me. "It's going to be okay," he whispers and I nod. My heart almost beats out of my chest but I keep myself composed. My husband to be waits at the end, staring at me with such affection in his eyes my heart leaps. Rafal's sisters are seated somewhere here but I try to avoid them the best I can. They're creepy, even for me.

I reach the end where Rafal waits me and his hand grazes mine as I go past. His face is half in shadow from the night, making him look mysterious, some would say evil. Which he is. Which I am and I can accept that now. I spent so long trying to be good, trying to be someone I'm not, repressing my true self. No more.

Rafal says his vows first. "Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you and being there for whatever the future has in store for us. I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we shall live and treat you like the Queen you are." I can't help but stare into his pale blue eyes, so sincere and genuine, filling me with hope. What more could I want? I'm about to marry the person I love and become the Queen of the Endless Woods.  

I clear my throat, feeling everyone's eyes on mine. I thought about what to write for mine deeply, wanting to say something true and perfect. Something right. I wrote down a jumble of words, trying to pour my heart into the writing and this came out, instead. It isn't a declaration of love or vows really ; but a figurative meaning. "May the road rise up to meet us , may the wind be always at our backs, may the sun shine ; be warm upon our faces, may the rain, clouds never be black."

If Rafal is surprised he doesn't show it, reaching his pale hands to squeeze mine. "You may kiss the bride!" The Marriage Officiant announces. I bring my lips to his, an icy chill coursing through me - that feels good. 

The officiant carries on after that, with coronation duties to pronounce us King and Queen, the second part of the event. 

It's not so formal - the details and announcements will be made later but for now, we don't have to worry. It's our day. We don't exactly have anyone to pronounce me and Rafal of our new position - so we do it ourselves. The crowns our offered to us on cushions of black silk, crowns of jagged metal, shooting up into the sky like thorns, the emblem of the school emblazoned the front, a model of the School for Good and Evil  at the back, barely noticeable. Rafal gently lifts the crown onto my head, the cool feel of the iron setting, yet not too heavy. I feel powerful ; I feel strong. 

Rafal has his crown too, looking like a Ruler. I smile and we take each other's hands. Together, the two of us, we're unstoppable. Our love is unstoppable. After all, who is to defy love, even if it is Evil's love? 

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