Back to the Safe Haven

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The field was lush and green, the sky a brilliant blue, horses and crows grazing. All Guinevere could think about was her son and true love dead. At the hands of a girl she had believed to be The Future Queen Of Camelot and a good School Master.

Guinevere had never thought she'd be here without Lancelot. The good heroes had headed off to hide, believing there was no point putting themselves and others at risk by being here. She had felt so alone when they left. 

She burst into sobs, the pain too great for her to bear. What was the meaning of her life now? Everything she loved was gone. Everything. Merlin came up behind her and gave her a comforting squeeze, his purple robes hot and sweaty. " Everything will be okay," Merlin hushed. " We'll vanquish Sophie and the School Master, and we can leave good good again."  

For a second she could believe him, with the beautiful setting around them. But outside here? Pain. Death. Darkness. The worry and fear was overwhelming. 

" Camelot has no king. No heir. Soon someone will come and take Camelot, and they will not be of royal blood. I don't want that to come to fruition, Merlin." 

Merlin didn't say anything, although she knew he had heard her. The truth was, there was nothing for him to say to comfort her about that subject. The bloodline of Arthur had died with Tedros. 

" Lets all go and have something to eat, shall we?" Merlin urged. " Might take our minds off the subject." 

Everyone shrugged, knowing there wasn't a better option. Food solved almost everything. Merlin's hat whisked up a delicious picnic of strawberry sorbe, tirimisu, iced fruit, pate and baguettes. Hester and Anadil picked at the food, looking glum. " Dot would of turned all this into chocolate," Anadil pouted. " Never thought I'd miss her two years ago," Hester grumped, stabbing the baguette with distress.

Hort's face was droopy. " I really thought I had a chance to win her back..."

Everyone goggled at him. " You're telling me that although Lancelot, Dot and all the old heroes died, you're upset you couldn't win back Sophie? A girl who's an absolute witch and murderer?" Hester fired, scowling. 

Hort flushed pink and continued eating his sorbe, nibbling like a hungry rat. Anadil rolled her eyes in disgust, and even Guinevere's mouth was stretched into a thin line, her cheeks flushed with annoyance. 

Merlin stroked his shorn beard, in deep thought. " The only way to win now is to rally the Ever Kingdoms. We'll have to break the good and evil rules to save good. We'll have to attack when they're at their weakest." 

" They'll never join forces with us. They're too afraid of the Dark Army." Hester countered.

" They will, to save good. And take their best shot at survival." Merlin pondered. 

" I'm not sure," Guinevere replied. " They can by quite self concerned, especially Jaunt Jolie and Shazabah. Too obsessed with money." 

" We'll need a spy," Hort piped up, ignoring everyone's glares.

" The weasel's right," Anadil agreed. " We need to know their plans." 

Hester rolled her eyes, and began picking at her iced fruit. " Who do you suggest to be our spy?" She scowled. 

Anadil frowned, about to fire back a response before going silent, biting her pale lips. 

" Anadil's right. It will be difficult though. I barely fooled them with you three, I mean two."Merlin stuttered. " Lady Lesso too."

" It'll have to be a teacher." Guinevere stated. " The question is, who?" 

No one replied. There was no one who would betray evil now it was finally winning.

That night, everyone settled down into their cosy beds, falling asleep in seconds because of their weariness and misery.

Although, Hester couldn't sleep, her eyes wide open, relieving the events of the day. This morning she thought she was going to die, and now she was here, a second chance against Sophie and the School Master. Hester swore she would avenge Dot, Agatha, all the old heroes and even the stupid prince, Tedros. 

Sighing ,she got up and decided to take a stroll to clear her head. She shrugged on a black cotton coat, and embraced the cool breeze running through her hair. Eventually she reached a waterfall, the flowing water beautiful and calm. Hester climbed down to the bottom of the waterfall and waded in to the graceful water, oblivious to her wet clothes. She closed her eyes and smiled with pleasure...until she heard a twig snapping. " Who's there?!" Hester barked, her demon coming to life-

"It's just me," Anadil replied, stepping out of the shadows, her face lit up with moonlight. Hester rolled her eyes. " Of course it is."

Anadil joined her in the water, savouring the silence. Her eyes were big and sad. " I miss her." 

Hester knew who Anadil meant before the words came out of her mouth. 

" I miss her too," Hester replied, giving Anadil a small smile.

It stayed that way for a while, the tension and awkwardness building up alarmingly. Hester glanced at her best friend and shuffled closer towards her, until she could her Anadil's breath. And then, lit up in the shadow of moon and night, Hester brought her lips to Anadil's with a surge of confidence. Electricity shot through Hester's body but it became icy cold as Anadil pulled away, wading out of the water. " See you tomorrow," Anadil said coldly, before briskly walking out of sight, all left the small sounds of her feet heading away.

"Guess she doesn't return the feelings then," Hester thought. She had liked Anadil since the start of year two at The School For Good and Evil - the boy girl war. It had really only been them two as Dot had left them for evergirl friends. Hester barely showed emotion, but this really hit home.

 Clenching her jaw, she squeezed the water out of her hair and strolled back to the house if nothing was wrong. Act natural. Act normal. Act as if nothing happened. Although, for Hester, her emotions were getting tougher and tougher to maintain.

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