Catching Up

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It was 10:00 in the morning and the sun was shining down in Jaunt Jolie. Shops were busy, the streets crowded with people reading the local news, people gossiping saying stuff like - 

" Did you hear about the Murmuring Mountains?"

" That girl still hasn't been found?"

"The Queen has to do something quickly!" 

As soon as Hester and Anadil had arrived in Jaunt Jolie, Hazel had bolted off to the Animal Sanctuary to find a cure for Diablo. She had promised to meet them at the Inn ' The Horse's Hoof' tonight at seven o clock. 

Hester and Anadil, in the meantime were not fitting in in the slightest. Their clothes were dirty and smelled of hay and poo. People were giving them suspicious looks and whispering. Hester nudged Anadil. " We need to find a place to find clothes."

" We have no money."

" We could at least try."

After wandering around endlessly for ten minutes, their feet sore, they finally found what they thought was a clothing shop. ' Destiny's Designs.' It was fancy, the pure white doors entwined with pink roses. As they stepped inside, a whiff of perfume hit their noses. The shop was deluxe with white marble floors, pink walls and pictures of models. 

There were stairs to the second floor but they were blocked off. " I hate this place." Hester wrinkled her nose, gagging. " So princess like."

" We need to fit in and we won't by looking like goths or smelling like poo."

Hester cracked a smile. 

A woman came rushing towards them, attempting to run but her high heels getting in the way. She was very dressed up - curly brown hair in a bun, silver sparkles glittering, purple eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick. A magenta fur coat, glass high heels and a blue glitter star on one cheek. Her eyes were dark green with brown flecks here and there - not quite Hazel. 

" Oh my!" She gasped. " What happened to you?" She asked, brushing tears from her cheeks. She struggled to keep her balance, high heels ricketing here and there. 

" What do you mean?" Hester replied, freaked out by the woman's state. 

She gestured to her clothing. " Look at yourselves!" She shrieked. 

" We've had quite the journey." Anadil suppressed a smile. " You're Destiny?"

" Yes." Destiny blinked, flabbergasted. " What are you wanting to buy?"

" We have no money."

Destiny tutted. " Well then, you'll have to get a makeover for free. You look disgusting."

" Thanks?" Hester gave Anadil a look. 

" James!" Destiny shrieked. 

Footesteps echoed from upstairs and there was a loud crashing as the three winced.Hair covered in dust, a man stumbled from the stairs. He was very flamboyant, much like Destiny. Almost bald pink hair, pastel pink lipstick and waistcoat, shiny silver boots and earrings. 

" Yes ma'am?" He replied, flashing a white pearly smile. 

He saw Hester and Anadil and gasped loudly. "Goodness gracious! Dear lord!" 

He took their hands, a tear leaking from his eye. " What has befell you, dear children?" 

They yanked their hands away. " Can you give us makeovers or not?" 

James nodded. 

They first soaked in a rose bath, scrubbed their faces and washed their hair which was after blow dried. A grapefruit face mask was put on their faces after James had insisted. They then picked out some new clothes. They both chose short black leather dresses, with belts made of silver rat skulls. A sheath was attached, so Anadil put her dagger inside and fastened it up so no one would see. They applied mascara and black lipstick. They took another outfit and some makeup for Hazel. When they were done they looked like they were part of a scary terrorist group. Although, they looked awesome. 

" Finishing touch!" James squealed, handing them both leather greaves, silver spikes attached.

Destiny sighed. " At the least, it was better than before." She glanced at them witheringly. " Some pink would have been nice though..." 

" No!" Hester and Anadil exclaimed at the same time. They then thanked Destiny and James for their kindness and bid farwell. They put Hazel's clothes in the storage room at the Horse's hoof and hurried off to the castle. It was about midday now. The makeover had taken most of the morning. 

" We do look cool - you have to admit." Anadil teased.

" We sure do." Hester replied, taking Anadil's hand in her own. 

They walked up the palace's courtyard, shielding their hands from the sunlight. E verywhere Hester turned there were hydrangeas - pink, purple, blue like a baby shower. She made a face. Appearing out of nowhere, a guard came up to them, his face a stony mask. 

" Do you have an appointment?" He demanded, unsheathing his sword threateningly. 

They glanced at each other, wondering if they should lie. The guard caught on with the hesitation and rolled his eyes. " Out, please."

"We have to talk to the Queen! Its urgent!" Hester growled, grabbing the guard's arm. 

"That's what everyone says." He replied, cocking his head towards the golden gates that led out of the palace. 

" We're friends of Merlin! He sent us!" 

The guard paused, his face grim. " Names?"

" I'm Hester and this is Anadil." 

He took a deep breath before nodding his head. " If you'll follow me." 

" Has something happened to Merlin?" Anadil asked, worried. 

The guard sighed. " Well ... it depends how you see it. He's been expecting you."

" Merlin can't be here!" Hester whispered to Anadil. " Its not possible!" 

The guard pushed open the heavy metal doors and they stepped inside to experience a cool breeze wafting through. He then shut the doors, wiping beads of sweat from his forehead and led them through the bustling castle. 

They finally reached a tall solemn door and somehow they knew this was the place. " Just in here." The guard confirmed. He opened the doors, cleared his throat. " Presenting Anadil and Hester!" He boomed. 

The two witches entered the Throne Room to see the Queen - presumably - perching on her throne and beside her a wizard and a boy looking like a weasel. 

" Merlin? Hort?" Anadil croaked. 

" But where's Guinevere?" Hester wondered aloud. 

She looked at their grim faces and knew. 

" Oh." 

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