Alliances are formed

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She was there again. The dungeon. It seemed somewhat colder this time, a taste of danger lurking in the dusty air. Instinctively, she turned to where Agatha had been. She was not there. The chains lay hanging, nothing but drops of water plopping onto the stone floor, making a puddle. But no, not water - blood. She turned to the wall opposite to where Agatha had been to face a blonde tanned boy - his face marked with blows of a whip. He was limp. Not a sound of breathing. 

" Hello, Sophie." A voice from behind her said. Sophie spun around to see Agatha - Agatha, hands chained, hair messy now, eyes bloodshot and swollen, like she'd been fighting, running and falling for days. 

" Aggie?" Sophie asked, before a question rose on her lips. " Why am I here?"

" Strange how the mind works." She replied, souding distant, foggy. As if she wasn't really there. Her brows were furrowed in concentration. " It conjures up what's not real. Dreams. Nightmares. Illusions. But sometimes, it's more real than we think." Her eyes focused on Sophie's now. " It shows us ways. A way out." She stepped closer to Sophie now, close enough she should hear her heart beating. But she couldn't hear Agatha's heartbeat. It just ... wasn't there.  " Even if we can't recognise it."  Agatha whispered.

Agatha's eyes flickered to something behind Sophie. She whirled around again to face the blonde boy. She stepped closer to him, the noises of her steps the only distraction from silence. She was so close, she could see his individual eyelashes. The boy opened his eyes. A brilliant blue.

"Tedros." Sophie gasped, waking up bathed in sweat. She took a big suck of air and pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. And no, she wasn't. 

"Sophie?" Rafal flew in from the window, his face laced with concern. " Do you have a temperature?" 

" I'm fine. Just a nightmare." She gave him a smile, to reassure him. 

" Okay." He replied, throwing a troubled look her way. " I'd like to discuss the siege on the Ever Kingdoms. I think we're repaired enough from the Battle of Stymph Forest. I raised all the old villains again, those who were not killed via fire." He cleared his throat. " But we can't do it alone. That's why I'm recruiting the Never Kingdoms to fight on my side. Together we shall tip the balance of Good."

" A slight problem? They haven't come to our aid. Not since we have triumphed or before."

" They will now." He leaned forwards and sat on the worn chair beside the Storian. He told Sophie the plan and as he told, her grin became wider. 

" Rhian?" Sophie called to the empty hallways. " Rhian!" Rafal had suggested saying bye before they left as he wasn't sure how long they would be gone for. There was much work to be done, not much time to come back to the School. Professor Manley would be managing in their place while they were gone and he was trustworthy to keep things going well. 

Sophie had wished to say goodbye to Rhian. She didn't know why - well actually, yes, she did - but she didn't want to accept it. No. " Rhian!" She called again. Where could he be? At that moment, Sophie remembered Tedros and how he was constantly in the Groom Room. Rhian sounded like the type of guy to also lounge in the Groom Room.

She entered the luxurious room, tempted to stay in there a while and give up the search. Baths ... scents ... swims ... Sophie shook her head and began checking. It really wasn't that hard to find him - he was making quite a racket, doing laps in the pool. She stood there a few seconds, waiting for him to notice her. His hair was wet and stuck to his head, his face flushed, his body muscly and ... 

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