After Dark

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Sophie had never been to a club before - let alone a night club. She really didn't know that much about them but what she did know was that she would be staying up very, very late - and for this reason, she decided to take a nap. She settled down under the silky satin sheets and let go of her worries and stresses, releasing a deep sigh. Rafal had acquired makeup and costumes for their first date - after all, if they were seen Rainbow Gale would become a festering ground for chaos and panic. Even if all Rafal and his queen wished to do was dance. 

Eventually Sophie found herself being pulled into a dream...

She was back in that place. The Doom Room lurking in the dungeons. It looked exactly how it was when she had last been here, but she could see more. The Doom Room was shaped like a corridor and down those corridors? Chains and torture instruments of every kind a messed up mind could think up. The chains were well, chained to the wall in a perfect row. Like they're made for people, Sophie realised.

Graffiti  occupied the remaining wall space, words like - 'bitch', 'killer', ' the witch of Woods Beyond' 'Once a witch, always a witch.' 

Sophie traced these words with her finger before feeling something hot and sticky, instantly drawing her hand back to find moist crimson blood. Like the graffiti knew what she had done. What sins she had committed in the name of love. She fell to her knees, not caring about the pain from them, now bruised. Sophie let out heart-wrenching sobs of despair. " Why?!" Sophie screamed between cries" Why torture me this way?" 

" It's never too late to be good." A voice from behind her said. Sophie turned around, her eyes bloodshot and face tear-stained to see Agatha chained to the wall. The first chain. Agatha, like the devil, appearing at times of  Sophie's weaknesses. Agatha looked  different this time - rosy cheeks, more colour in her face, hair slightly healthier but her bug eyes bulged more than ever. Her princess dress - the one she wore at the Snow Ball - was stained with more blood - thicker and hotter.

" Agatha!" Sophie screamed, but she was fading away, her vision blotting until...

Sophie sat up in bed screaming, her face caked with sweat. Rafal rushed in, panicked. " Sophie?" he cried, caressing her cheek, feeling for temperature.  " I'm fine," Sophie murmured. " No need to fret," she added hastily. 

" What happened then?" Rafal asked accusingly. " You didn't scream for nothing." 

" Just a nightmare." Sophie replied. 

" You can tell the truth with me-" He began before Sophie cut him off. 

" I'm fine!" She snapped.  After a few seconds her face softened and cheeks heated with shame. "I'm sorry," Sophie said finally. " I'm ... stressed. I'm sure I'll feel better after the... party." 

" You sure?" 

" Sure." 

Rafal was about to kiss her before leaning back, thinking it wasn't the right move. " Well shall we get our costumes on?" He suggested with a small smile. 

Thirty minutes later, Rafal and Sophie were dressed and disguised. Rafal was wearing a cyan  shirt, crisp, clean, and plain black trousers. He had dyed his hair golden-blonde, his eyes chocolate brown and his skin tanned. Sophie wore a short, glittery, loose black dress and glass high heels.  Her hair was a hazelnut brown,eyes an ocean-blue and skin tone pale. All in all, they both looked stunning. 

" Ready?" Rafal extended a hand. 

"Ready." Sophie replied. 

Rafal flew them out the window of the tower and over the woods. It was dark, but the woods seemed to look better that way to him and Sophie. It wasn't surprising, considering they were both 100% pure evil. Although, it seemed to Rafal like Sophie hadn't been as... malicious lately? Wicked? Cruel? Maybe he was just overthinking it. 

"We're here," he announced, dropping down back to earth in an alleyway - this way they couldn't be gawked at.  

Sophie sucked in a deep breath before hesitantly strolling forwards and out the alley. Rainbow Gale was a lively place - full of shops , clubs, parks and fun. You could never be bored in Rainbow Gale. 

" So," Sophie breathed " Where is the club?" 

" This way."

Rafal lead her up the alley and they emerged onto a brightly lit street full of people - princes, princesses, animals, commoners. Sophie stared in awe for a second - she had never been to a city like this! " Come on." Rafal's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. 

" Okay." she replied, dazed. 

They found themselves facing a club, very modern and chic, with the letters ' After Dark' glowing dark blue neon on the sign. People swarmed past them to get in and loud pop music blared from the inside. " I'm guessing this is it?" Sophie asked.                 

" Yes," her date responded. 

Rafal and Sophie cautiously stepped inside. The place was packed to the brim; Bodies were everywhere - sprawled on the floor, dancing, drinking funny looking drinks in the corner. As she gaped, a young - beautiful, most would say - woman walked up to them. " Here to join the party?" She drawled. Her face was elfish and flawless - white-blonde hair, amber eyes, heavily tanned skin. " If you are," she carried on. " The drinks are over there." She pointed over at a bar with 5  suspicious looking drinks. The first was bright green and bubbling, the second bright pink and adorned with misty hearts , the third purple and foaming ; the fourth crimson and thick and the fifth deadly black and still. 

" Thanks," Sophie said uneasily. 

" No problem."

" What's your name?" Rafal cut in. 

"Kasia." She replied flaunting her long mane of hair. " I'm the most eligible bachelorette in all of Rainbow Gale." She preened. Seeing their blank looks, she sighed. " Oh. You're not from around here are you? Well. Enjoy the party." Kasia caressed Rafal's chest before hesitantly disappearing into the crowd. 

" Isn't it obvious we're on a date?" Sophie growled. 

Rafal watched Kasia depart before snapping back to attention. " Shall we get a drink?"

Sophie shrugged. " I guess so." 

They examined the 5 drinks carefully. " The fourth one looks like blood so I'm going to have the pink one." Sophie announced. 

" I'll have that one too." 

They both took a sip of their drinks. Sophie frowned. " I think there's something wrong with these drinks..." Sophie mused before blinking and almost toppling over, dazed. 

" You okay?" Rafal asked, concern lacing his voice. 

" I..." Sophie began, but everything was changing rapidly. Her vision became pink and Rafal's voice sounded ... different. Strange. Eveything felt suddenly hazy as if she had entered a dream. 

She remembered nothing else. 

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