Catching feelings

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Sophie couldn't even bring herself to look at Rafal. They were in the Garden of Good and Evil, preparing for the funeral of those who had been lost during the battle of Stymph Forest . Decorations were being set out, black and green balloons and food but they disinterested Sophie. She was fuming. How could Rafal not tell her he had two sons, nevertheless, her own age? And Evelyn Sader? 

Rafal had attempted to apologise but Sophie wasn't hearing any of it. His betrayal stung, and talking to him would only be pouring salt into the wound. She looked up and saw Rhian staring at her from Vulture Vale. " What are you looking at?" She snapped, not caring she was setting a bad example or people were giving her anxious glances. Rhian came over to her and sat down, sighing. " What's done is done." 

Sophie glared at him, eyes boring into his. " Excuse me? I was held captive by your-" 

" It needed to be done. I need Camelot, its mine by right." 

Sophie laughed, not bothering to muffle the sound. " What on earth do you mean?"

" King Arthur is my father, I need to claim my throne. In a way I'm glad Tedros, my brother, is dead because then we don't have to have a war." 

Sophie made a face. " You're ridiculous. Tedros  did not have a brother, believe me. Second, your father is-" 

Rhian rolled his eyes. " Japeth still doesn't believe me. He thinks our father is someone else, blah blah blah." 

" You really think you're the heir to the throne, don't you?" Sophie asked quietly. 

He nodded. " We figured the School Master would do anything with you on the line. I wouldn't of ever let Japeth hurt you, it was just the only way to gain Camelot. The School Master would of stormed in and attacked us, and he would have won." 

" Trust me." Rhian pleaded. 

Sophie's heart began to beat faster and she first truly noticed how handsome Rhian was. Amber skin, copper hair, eyes that seemed to ripple and change between blue and green.Their faces seemed to grow closer until she could hear Rhian's breath and smell his sweat-

" Sophie?" 

They immediately jumped apart. Sophie blushed slightly, keeping her eyes away from Rhian's and squinting up at Rafal. 

" Yes?" Sophie replied, flustered. 

Rafal glanced between his son and his fiancee, face hardened. " Can I borrow you for a second? I'd hate to disrupt." 

" Um, sure." Sophie stood up, brushed herself off and followed her betrothed, heart hammering. Had she really just nearly kissed Rhian, a boy she had met only yesterday, at lunch? Not to mention, he was Rafal's son! 

As she walked through the wood, Sophie's dress caught on a few twigs. Today she was wearing black velvet, with an  elegant train and veil over her eyes. Her hair was in a low ponytail, tied by a piece of black ribbon. Her lips were painted glittery and black and she had a deep dose of mascara on. In summary, she looked darkly beautiful. Sophie was like a gorgeous red rose that smelled like rot. It was one way to describe her personality. 

Rafal halted at a clearing. He cleared his throat before saying " Sophie. I would, again, like to apologise for not informing you sons. It honestly didn't occur to me - I had forgotten them...yeah, I'm not a great dad. Anyway. I love you and am deeply committed to you for as long as I shall live. There's no other for me in this world, just you. I know I've already done this, but can we start over?" He spoke quickly, nervously not like his usual confident self. " I'm sorry." He added. 

Sophie hesitated, waiting for him to continue. When she realised her wasn't, she asked " Start over? What do you mean?" 

Rafal ran a hand through his snow-white hair. " I mean what teenagers do. First dates, anniversary dinners, balls, clubbing..." 

Sophie nodded awkwardly. " Ah."

" Do you want to go on our first date tonight?" He mumbled. " We can go to a club in Rainbow Gale - they have some good ones." 

" How? If we were seen, there would be panic and we might get killed." Sophie made a chopping motion with her hands. " Are you sure its the best idea?" 

" Yes. We can get disguises. Only if you want to, though." 

Sophie paused. She felt guilty for being so intimate with Rhian, even though it had only happened for one second. She barely knew him, anyway! She just felt... felt... a certain pull to him. Sophie shook her head firmly and buried her feelings deep in her soul. 

" Um, sure." She replied. " No more lies?" 

" No more lies." Rafal promised.

 We better get back to the funeral service." Sophie clarified.

They walked back the way they came in silence. Rafal's hand was outstretched towards hers but she decided not to take it. She needed him to know he couldn't get away with it that easily. 

As they walked back into the graveyard, what seemed like hundreds of eyes swivelled to them. Rafal made his way up to the stage to make a speech while Sophie settled into a seat at the front next to Rhian.

" What was all that about?" He asked. 

" Nothing," she replied. 

It was silent for a few seconds, tension building between them. 

" I hope your brother makes it back soon." Sophie mused sarcastically. 

" Me too-" Rhian began before realised she was sarcastic. He cleared his throat and focused on the action on stage. 

" We lost many lives during the Battle of Stymph Forest. They all had something in common - to take down good. To take down the petty little princes and the vain princess dolls. To take down the people who had stole their victories. We shall remember and honour them. The big bad wolf, Captain Hook, the Candy Witch, the giant, the Evil Queen, the evil fairy and so many more. You didn't die in vain." 

The students nodded solemnly, bobbing their heads. Sophie gazed at them, trying to read which had potential. As she looked, Sophie could swear that out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of black hair. 

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