Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I look in horror as all the Journals are set in fire in front of my eyes, his laugh echoing everywhere.

"Don't be a hero, kid. This is what happens to heroes in my world!"

"No!" I sit up in bed gasping for breath, my sheets soaked with it and my shirt sticking to my skin. I run a hand down my face with a small sigh. "Fuck.....6 years and it won't stop....."

I lay back and turn looking at the other side of the room where Mabel's bed still is from when we were 12. Stan Suggested that I can move it someplace else so I would have more room for anything else I wanted here but I wanted to keep it just in case she came back for a summer and she's finally coming back in the morning. She's refused to talk to me since she left but I hope that she has finally forgiven me for choosing to stay here instead of going back to our parents.

I get out of bed and strip off my shirt puttin it in a pile with other clothes that I need to wash in the morning.

I glance at the clock on the nightstand and see it reads the same time that I always wake up from this nightmare. 3:00 AM.

"Witching hour." I mumble under my breath as I pull on a black hoodie. I open my door and quietly go down to the gift shop putting the code into the vending machine.

I can't go on with these nightmares anymore and Ford might be one of the only people I can talk to about this.

I ride the elevator down to his lab and see him passed out in his chair, his head resting on his arms on his desk. Honestly this is not close to the first time that I have found him like this. He works even more after he's told me to stop for the night. I get a blanket that he keeps down here and lay it over him since it's cold down here even with his trench coat.

I take his glasses off his face and set them in their proper case and set it next to his head so even with his bad vision he will see it once he wakes up.

I look over at his cabinets where he locks away samples of supernatural things and see the rift. Even after Weirdmageddon ended there was still a small rip between our worlds since Weirdmageddon had caused such trouble. He managed to contain it and keeps it locked down here. No one but me and him know about it.

I go back upstairs to the laundry room grabbing a pair of jeans and pull them on before grabbing a flashlight out of the kitchen and pull my sneakers on before heading out into the forest.

The forest isn't really dangerous but it isn't the safest place at night either. The only reason I choose to walk this late because the forest helps me relax a bit. No matter what I try I know that I won't be able to go back to sleep so it's better for me to walk a bit just to calm my senses down a bit to make sure I don't have any more nightmares.

I don't really pay attention to where I'm walking so I am surprised when I find that I walked to a clearing where his stupid statue is.

"You stupid illuminacho. That summer I helped every creature in these forests except you. Over the past 6 years I have helped every creature and still you are the only one who never let me know how to help. Why couldn't you just fucking let me help you, you ass!" I angrily kick the statue, years of anger boiling in me. "If I ever see you again, I would make you suffer for everything you have done to me and my family."

I turn and start walking away but stop feeling an immense pain on my right wrist that stops me in my tracks. I look back and somehow see his stone hand is gripping my wrist tightly. I pull trying to get out of his grip but it only tightens. "Ow ow ow!"

My eyes widen in horror seeing cracks spreading across the statue before it explodes sending me flying back painfully onto the ground, a ringing in my ears.

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