Chapter 9

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(Dipper pov)

I sit on my bed trying to read a book but I can't concentrate on it. My mind keeps wandering back to yesterday. Why wouldke kiss me? Our deal had nothing to do with feelings towards each other. I honestly never considered if I was attracted to men. I know that I haven't had an interest to girls since I was 12 and thought that I liked Wendy. I know now that I just simply admired her and had a hard time defining how I felt.

Hearing a knock at the door I glance up just as Bill opens the door stepping into my room. I go back to looking at the words in my book, pretending to read hoping he'll go away so I don't have to deal with these stupid confused emotions.

"I know you're not really reading Pinetree. You haven't turned that page in 30 minutes. Usually it only takes you 5 minutes to read a page."

"You spying on me now?"

"Of course. I need to make sure that you don't try and run off to that pathetic family of yours."

"Why would I do that? We had a deal."

"Yeah but you meatsacks are unpredictable. Especially you." He sits on the edge of the bed taking the book out of my hands and puts it on the nightstand.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean you as a kid were desperate enough to figure out who wrote that journal you were addicted to, that you actually made a deal with me even after I tried to kill you and your sister and the fat guy."

"It didn't seem like too bad of a deal. The computer wasn't going to delete everything, I just fell asleep and you took advantage of that. Altered the dream and I was so tired I didn't realize I was dreaming. The computer in my dream would have deleted everything but not the real computer. The real one would have been fine."

"You figured all that out?"

"A year or two afterwards I got thinking about it more. That it didn't make sense for you to appear while I was awake."

"And the roof?"

"Again was so tired I fell asleep without realizing it. You appeared offering me the deal. Even knew exactly how I would wake up."

"You're smarter then you give yourself credit for. And then you took the deal I offered you. And better yet you fullfilled it sooner then I could have ever expected. And to make matters better, you are the one who took down the barrier. You are the one who made all of this possible."

"I only did what you wanted because of the deal."

"Are you sure about that? Because as I recall the deal never said anything about you taking down the barrier."

"But it was what you wanted."

"Yet we never made a deal about it. I just said if you found a way then I could make your life better here. Which I did because you didn't just find a way to break the barrier, you broke the barrier yourself."

"Only because you couldn't."

"You did it willingly. You know that I couldn't get you once you passed the barrier. Yet you didn't run or even remotely try to get away. Instead you stayed and freed me. Any sane person would have run away without looking back."

"You knew I wouldn't run though."

"I knew that you probably wouldn't, but you still had a high probablility of running off. Deciding to live with nightmares instead of dealing with being the reason that the world has decided to burn."

".....why did you kiss me?"

"I'll tell you. But not now. First there is one last thing I need you to do for me."

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