Chapter 10

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(Dipper pov)

"What is it now? I've done everything that you have asked."

"Well I have sources that tell me your family is coming soon. They are going to make the shack into a robot and use that as a distraction against my monsters and henchmaniacs while the everyone part of the cipher wheel will break in here in an attempt to get you. Without you they can't banish me."

"You'll just kill's what you've always wanted to do anyway....."

"Usually I would. But for your sake I won't." He gently brushes some hair behind my ear before softly grabbing my chin and making me look up at him.

"......what do you need from me this time?"

"I am going to put you in a cell. They will expect that I've treated you horribly so we're going to play along. They will bring you up to the throne room to try and use the cipher wheel against me again. I will meet you there and we will put a stop to them once and for all."

"How do I know you won't just hurt them? You could hurt them so bad they would want to die."

"I won't. As long as you behave for me then no one gets hurt. That is how things work around here."

He grabs my arm pulling me off the bed and out of the room. He pulls me down several confusing halls and down several stairs until he brings me to what appears to be a dungeon yet all the cells are empty.

He takes me to the last one unlocking the cell and takes me inside it. He lets go of my arm and makes me look at him. He takes off my hat and moves some of my hair out of my face. "C-Can I have my hat back?"

"No. Now look here." He tilts my head up to look at him just as his fist connects with my left eye knocking me hard to the ground with a cry of pain. "Shut the fuck up." He kicks me hard in the ribs, the air leaving my lungs and it feeling like he cracked something. I can taste blood as it leaves my lips and drips onto the ground.

His hand grabs me by the throat as he forces me onto my feet and back against the cold stone wall. A knife appears in his other hand and seeing this I to panic, grabbing at his wrist trying to pry his fingers off of me with no luck. "Bill....s-stop p-please...." His grip on my throat only tightens more making it even harder to breathe.

"Now now none of that." He brings the knife towards my right eye and puts the tip right under my eye. He slowly and painfully cuts a long shallow line from under my eye to down under my ear and down the side of my neck. He finally lets go of me just letting me collapse to the floor holding my neck coughing and gasping for air as the blood drips down my skin.

He walks over to my hat picking it up before he walks back over to me kneeling down putting the hat on my head again. I flinch slightly as he cups my cheek in his hand. "Shh calm down. I only did that so it will be more believeable when they come. If I just left you here unharmed then they would know something was up. This makes the plan foolproof. As soon as this is all over, I will heal you. I promise."

He slips me a key before he gets up leaving the cell and locks it. I hear his heels click on the floor as he walks away.

I hug my knees to my chest and rest my head on the wall as the darkness overtakes me.


I wake with a start hearing shouting that sounds like it's coming from above me and sounds of fighting outside.

Hearing footsteps I try to get up but the pain in my ribs makes it so I can't. I put a hand over my ribs grimacing in pain.

"Dipper!" I look up and see Stan trying to get the cell open. "Fucking....what did he do to you?"

"I stole a key.....he punished me for it....I still have it but I can't get up to even use it."

"Slide me the key and I'll get out out of here."

I take the key Bill gave me out of my pocket and toss it to Stan. He catches it and unlocks the cell hurrying over to me. Putting one arm under my legs and the other under my back he picks me up. I do my hardest to now show the pain that erupts throughout my body at the slightest of movements.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay kiddo. Let's just get you the hell out of here."

"He would have killed everyone. He could have smashed the shack on the ground and killed everyone. That's the only reason I went with him I swear."

"It's okay. That doesn't matter right now."

He carries me back upstairs where I see everyone else. They all look worried for my sake and glad to see me except for Mabel. She won't even look at me, just keeps her arms crossed looking down. I also see that Ford already sprayed the cipher wheel on the ground.

"Ford we have to go."

"No we are going to end this Stanley. That is the plan. You got him so put him down and let's finish this."

"Just take a fucking look at him Ford. The kid can't even stand on his own."

"Maybe he would if you weren't carrying him."

I hear Stan grumble something under his breath as he sets me on the stairs in front of Bill's throne. "Ford he is injured and needs medical attention."

"He would have got medical help months ago if you hadn't argued with me and just had him put in the facility like I told you to. If you had just done it when I told you to last year. And the year before that. And the year before that."

"You just wanted to lock the kid away ever since I got my memory back."

"He was unstable. He wasn't sleeping or eating, wouldn't even go to his room-"

"He was suffering from a fucking trauma! He had been dealing with that demon for three months when he was only 12! Went through hell for this family!"

"I was dealing with the demon long before the boy was born!"

"Yeah when you were a damn man! He was just a 12 year old boy! For months the boy was dealing with shit worse then anything anyone of us could think of! Yeah, you dealt with the demon for years but you weren't a boy who was supposed to be safe and just enjoying a normal summer instead of dealing with almost dying everyday!"

"Everyone p-please just stop!" I put my hands over my ears feeling tears stinging my eyes, having an anxiety attack with everyone arguing and knowing that it was because of me.


"I-I can do it....I can just please stop arguing.....y-you know I hate it."

"We are doing this, Stanley. So everyone get on their spots."

Everyone stands at their place as I slowly get up, pain going through my body as I put a hand over my ribs and slowly and painfully make my way towards the cipher wheel. Where is Bill? He should be here by now.

I'm just about to step on my spot on the wheel when a blue chain wraps around my neck tightly from behind and pulls me back. I grab at the chain, struggling to breathe as it pulls me back and I hear his laugh right behind me, meaning he's holding the chain.

"Let him go, Cipher!"

"Now now, Sixer. That isn't very polite. You see I think Pinetree likes it here with me. In fact, he likes it here so much, you all should stay too." With a snap of his fingers everyone else is put in separate cages that hang from the ceiling and the chain around my neck finally vanishes. I lay on the ground holding my neck coughing for air once again.

"Y-You could have f-fucking killed me...."

"Yeah but I didn't." His fingers brush against the bruises on my neck making me wince sharply. "Let's get you fixed up Pinetree." He picks me up bridal style just like Stan did earlier.

"Let him the fuck go, Cipher!" Stan shouts slamming his fists against the bars of his cage.

"Have fun in your new home, Pines." His laugh echoes throughout the room as he carries me away.

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