Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly peel the living room curtain open and my eyes widen seeing Bill so tall that he stands over the trees. He angrily slams his fist down on the shack and the whole shack shakes, the unicorn hair still protecting it but that doesn't stop him from picking up the entire shack in his hands, it making it hard for anyone in here to keep balance.

"Come on out Pinetree!"

He shakes the shack and I'm barely able to make it onto the front porch, grabbing onto the railing to keep myself from falling. "Bill stop!"

He stops shaking it and holds the shack with one hand. "We are going. Now."

"Okay....just please don't hurt anyone inside....."

He says nothing as he just holds his hand out. I slowly step off the porch and onto his hand before I watch with horror as he drops the shack to the ground and starts walking back towards the fearamid.

"Stop worrying. They're all alive and no one has any major injuries." I sit in his palm saying nothing for a while. "I held up my end of our arrangement. Why would you leave?"

"I didn't. I fell asleep in my room and when I woke up I was in Ford's lab."

"And? What did he do to you? He wouldn't have brought you in there for nothing."

"He just made sure you weren't possessing me and that I was still human."

"Of course the first thing he assumes is that I did something to you. He can't just accept that you did this on your own free will. Stupid asshole."

We finally get to the fearamid and he walks in setting me on the armrest of the throne before he takes his usual seat in it. "Stupid meatsacks. Make me waste my time getting you like that."

"Um.....I found a way to let you leave Gravity Falls...."

"Bullshit you did." I take the paper out of my pocket unfolding it and showing it to him. He shrinks back down to normal height and takes the paper out of my hands reading it over. "Holy shit.....holy shit you actually fucking did it!" He smiles and picks me up in a hug twirling me around in a circle causing me to shriek out in surprise not expecting it at all.

He finally sets me down on my feet again as he looks over the paper again. "It's so fucking simple. I already have all these things and I know where that area is.....I can't be the one to read these words though.....but you can...." He looks up from the paper and at me with a sly grin on his face.

"W-wait what? Why do I have to do it?"

He stands behind me holding the paper in front of my face. "The barrier can't be broken from anything inside of Gravity Falls and until it's broken I can't leave. You on the other hand, well nothing is stopping you from leaving."

".....what's stopping me from just leaving you stuck here?"

"We both know you won't. You need me to keep those dreams away."

"Maybe the only real way to keep them away is to just leave this awful place once and for all."

"If that was the answer you never would have made the deal with me. Besides, you know I was right about us being able to do so much more. That is why you brought this to me after all."


His arm tightly wraps around my waist and with a snap of his fingers we're no longer in the fearamid.

I look around recognizing the area. It's this hill that is right at the border between Gravity Falls and the rest of Oregon. Ford took me here when I was 12 to explain why Gravity Falls was so weird.

Bill puts a bag in my hands and gives me a shove foreward. I look back at him and see he's pushed me out of Gravity Falls.

Taking a breath to steady myself I look at the paper again before I take the things out of the bag and arrange them on the ground in the exact way that the paper specifies. I look at the paper again now only having to recite the latin words.

"Praecipio tibi ut hoc impedimentum in aeternum deferas ut tam fatum ubique stragem ferat."

I struggle to keep my balance as the ground shakes. I look back up and my eyes widen as I can actually see the barrier surrounding the town but now hundreds of thousands of cracks spread across it.

Bill puts his hand against it and the whole thing shatters, vanishing into dust.

Bill walks forward until he's standing in front of me. He uses one finger to make me look up at him as the wind blows around us.

"Excellant job, Pinetree."

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