Chapter 6

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(Dipper pov)

Bill leads me to a door and opens it showing a bedroom that had dark blue sheets on the bed, a desk, bookshelf full of books, dresser and connected bathroom. "This is your room. There are some drawing and writing things in the desk if you are into that kind of thing. I guessed on what books you liked. If there is something you need or want just let me know."

"Okay." I mumble, rubbing my eyes not realizing until now just how tired I truly was.

"Come on let's get you to bed. You need actual sleep. Waking up at 3 and then doing things to stay awake is not healthy for your body."

I take my jacket off putting it on the desk chair and put my hat on the nightstand. I slip out of my shoes and climb into bed. Bill sits on the edge of the bed. " are you going to get rid of the bad dreams?"

"Just go to sleep like you normally would and let me handle the rest."

Despite the fact that him watching me is super creepy, it was eaiser than I expected to fall asleep considering how tired I was. I feel Bill put his hand on my forehead and mumble something as my body fully falls asleep.


I shiver feeling cold despite the fact that I know I had been tightly wrappd in the blanket that was on the bed. I go to pull the blanket back over me but find that I can't move my wrists.

I slowly peel my eyes open and recognize that I am no longer in the room that Bill had made for me. I'm laying on a cold table with my wrists and ankles strapped down so tight that it hurts to even more a little. Looking to the side I notice some old equipement that belong in Ford's lab.

Calm down, Dipper, you're just in a newer part of Ford's lab since he remodled it a few months ago. Made it bigger. He and the others must taken me from Bill while I was fast asleep. Not sure how I feel about that.

I look above me and see something trying to scan me, it making me nervous as I struggle a bit until I hear Ford's voice over an intercom. "Dipper please, I need you to hold still for just a minute and then it will be over."

I stop struggling as the thing scans me and I hear some results beep on Ford's screen. He comes in and unstraps me allowing me to sit up. He takes out a small pen light and shines it into my eyes, probably making sure that Bill isn't possessing me. He finally puts the light away. "Every tests came back normal at least."

"How did I get here?" I rub my arms, cold without my jacket.

"We managed to sneak in and get you out without Bill or his monsters knowing. Had to run a few tests to make sure he didn't turn you into a demon or anything."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because why the fucking hell else would you make a deal with him?!" He grips my shoulders tightly, it hurting. "You know what he has done to this family and town!"


"Ford enough." Stan comes in pulling Ford off of me. "We agreed that we would give him a break before we started throwing questions at him." Stan looks over at me. "You alright, kiddo? He didn't hurt you?"

"I'm okay."

He gives a small smile as he goes over to me hugging me which surprises me since Stan was never really a hugger. He's always just been a tough love kind of person ever since I was a kid. I eventually hug him back, it feeling nice to be shown that someone cared instead of everyone doing the tough love thing or pretending that I am going to break at any minute.

He finally pulls away from the hug. "You come up when you're ready. I'll get you something to eat." He offers a small smile before he leaves pulling Ford with him.

I get off the table. Bill is really going to be pissed once he realizes that I'm gone. I go to head upstairs but stop seeing a folder on Ford's table.

I go over to it and open the folder seeing it's all about the barrier Bill told me about.

I shuffle through the papers until I find what I'm looking for. I fold it up putting it in my back pocket before I head upstairs.

I walk into the living room but stop feeling the ground beneath me rumbling. I'm confused until I hear his voice. "PINETREE!"

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