Chapter 12

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(Dipper pov)

"Think of it as a sign of trust."

I silently laugh to myself as I slowly wake up, not even surprised to find myself chained to a chair in a dimly lit room. "You weren't saying that you trusted me. You were saying it was a test to see if I could be trusted. I mean after everything I've done for you, you seriously don't trust me still?"

I feel myself flinch slightly as his hands grip my shoulders from behind. "Well, let me ask you this. Do you trust me? I mean like you said we've been through a lot together."

"No. I don't trust you. Because you are a demon. A demon that has tried to kill me countless times. You even told your own minions to eat me once."

"You know, demons may be expert liars but you still need to work on it." He gives my shoulders a light squeeze before he walks into my field of vision. "Most of what you said is the truth, but there are also small lies in it. You want to trust me, even just a tiny bit but you're fear won't let you."

"You didn't bring here to kill me. You have said before there is no fun in just killing someone. You make the pain last for a long time so you can have fun with it. So just bring it on already."

"I thought good and hard about what to do with you. And there is only one thing I could think of, that would hurt you more then actual pain and I finally found the perfect thing." He walks into the darkness and my eyes widen in horror as he comes back with Mabel tied to a chair with wheels on it, duct tape across her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggles against the rope keeping her tied to the chair.

"W-What are you doing? W-Why is she here?"

"Well you tried to betray me for your family so I thought it only fair if I hurt that family you so dearly love."

"No no no! You can't! S-She isn't part of this!" I struggle against the chains even though I know it's useless.

"I can and I will. You just sit there and watch like a good little boy." A knife appears in his hand as he puts it to her neck.

"Wait! I-I want to make another deal!"

He slowly walks towards me, twirling the knife in his hand. "And what would this deal be?"

"You don't hurt her or anyone else in my family. You let them go. You can put them in another state, even in Hawaii so they can't come back to try and defeat you again."

"And what's in it for me?"

"You get me. You can kill me, torture me, hell you could make me your lover if you even wanted to. It doesn't matter, I will never question you and I will never go against you again. I will be anything you want me to be."

"So if I asked you to kill someone, would you do it?"


He grabs my chin making me look up at him. "You would do all of that, simply for a family that you know doesn't care for you?"

"In a heartbeat."

"Hm...." He lets go of me and the chains on me disappear. He holds his hand out, it ablaze with blue flames. "You have yourself a deal." I shake his hand but once I let go of his hands he snaps his fingers and the chains are back keeping me stuck in the chair again. "Of course that doesn't mean I have to free your family right now. I can simply let your dear sister watch me punish you first."

He unbuttons my shirt all the way before he walks behind me once again, once hand on my shoulder as he holds the knife to my neck. I look at Mable, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "Just don't look. It will all be over soon just don't look."

"Now now, Pinetree, why would you tell her that." With another snap of his fingers, a long black ribbon crawls up my leg and wraps itself tightly over my mouth so I can't even mutter a word. "Now Shooting Star, unless you want this to last longer I suggest you look and remember everything I do to him."

His hand grips the back of my neck tightly as the knife stabs into my side painfully, my scream muffled from the ribbon. I feel blood pour from the wound as he pulls the knife out.

"Don't think I would let you get out of this easy." He hisses in my ear. "I can heal you over and over and over, as many times as I possibly want. Meaning I can put you to the brink of death as many times as I want. You are my plaything from here until I decide that you are useless."

Tears roll down my cheeks as he stabs the knife into my side once again.

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