Chapter 13

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(Dipper pov)

I feel his hand on my cheek making me look at him as the ribbon goes limp and falls to the floor. "Hey, don't go passing out on me Pinetree." He finishes healing up the last of the knife wounds and with a snap of his fingers Mabel is gone. "Don't worry about her, I just put her and your family somewhere far from here." With another snap the chains are gone.

He buttons my shirt back up before picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of the room.

"....why are you so obssessed with me? You could have tricked anyone else into making deals with you. But you keep coming back to me. Why?"

"Because there is just something special about you."

He takes me back to his room laying me on his bed. "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He sits on the edge of the bed, holding one of my hands. "I'm in love with you, Dipper."

"You're just a demon. You don't know what love is."

"I have observed other meatsacks to get the general idea. You rest up and I will show you what I mean exactly." He gets up tucking me in under his blankets as I feel myself drift off to sleep.


I wake up and he's gone along with all the pain. I get up out of the bed and I see some paperdolls on the floor that look like me.

I follows the trail of paperdolls out of the room and down the twisting hallways until I get to the throne room where I see he has a big table set up with what I think is spaghetti. I see Bill standing there lighting some candles on the table.

"What is all of this?" I ask as he turns to me.

"You meatsacks go on dates with people, right?"

"Yeah, sometimes."

"Well that's what this is. And I guarentee it will be like no date you have ever been on before."

"That's believeable since I've never been on a date with anyone before."

He takes my hand leading me over to a chair that's already pulled out. I sit in the chair as he pushes it in and sits in the chair across from me.

"Since when can you cook?"

"I can't, so I just made it appear."

"You don't have a plate."

"I'm a dream demon, I don't eat food. I get energy from eating dreams."

"Like my nightmares?"

"Exactly. That's how I keep you from having nightmares. I eat them before they can form fully."

"Do you eat other people's dreams?"

"Sometimes but not often since I need to make sure you don't have more nightmares since it's part of our deal."

I start eating it, not fully recognizing until now how hungry I've been. It's like I haven't been hungry for years until now.

"....when was the last time you ate a full meal."

"A while I guess." I catch the way he's looking at me. "Don't look at me like that. I don't have an eating disorder."

"Then why haven't you eaten properly?"

"Because I would just get anxiety about other things so it would be hard for me to keep food down properly. I didn't want to puke it out, it just happened."

"How long have you been taking all of those different meds?"

"Since I was 13...."

"Why did you resort to medication?"

"Ford thought it would help. Nothing else seemed to work."

"Didn't you get addicted to that one set of meds when you were 15?"

I scratch at my arm nervously. "Y-Yeah.....but I'm clean now."

"I'm not judging you, honest."

When I'm done eating he stands up offering me his hand. "May I have this dance, Pinetree."

"I can't dance."

"Don't worry, just follow my lead."

I take his hand as he pulls me out of the chair and with a snap the table and chairs are gone.

He puts a hand on my waist pulling me closer, holding my one hand. I put my other hand on his shoulder as he leads me through a dance, him softly humming something. It sounds like classical music but I can't really tell for certain.

At the end of the dance he dips me and kisses me on the lips. I surprise myself as I find myself kissing him back.

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