Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

He lays me gently on his bed as he slowly pushes my shirt up revealing the bruises from when he kicked me. He touches it gently making me whimper in pain. He gently lays a hand on the bruise and it glows a faint blue. "I can heal all your injuries but the cut might still leave a scar."

"Then why did you cut me in the first place?"

"I told you. If I put you there without a scratch then Ford would know something was up. If they found you in a fancy room with not a scratch, they would know you aren't a prisoner of mine."

"But you don't keep me prisoner. You've made that clear."

"We know that but they don't. If they're already going to think the worst of me, might as well play around with it a bit."

" could have warned me....."

"About what?"

"About you beating on me or even the chain."

"But since I didn't, you thought I was going to kill you. Correct?"

"....The thought had crossed my mind once or twice...."

"To decieve your enemies, first you must decieve your friends."

"That's now how the saying goes. It's friends, not allies. And we're friends now?"

"Considering that I kissed you I thought we would have moved past the friend stage at this point."

He moves his hand from my torso to the cut on my face. "What are you going to do with them?"

"What do you mean."

"Don't do that."

"Do what? I don't-"

"Yes you do. You're answering my question with another question. It's annoying and you only do it to try and avoid all my questions."

"I will simply move them to the dungeon and keep them locked up. No harm will come to this as promised."

"How do I know that none of your monsters will hurt them?"

"Because the only people who have the key is me." He presses a key in my palm. "And now you."

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Think of it as a sign of trust, my little sapling. You have helped me get this far, farther then I could have ever gotten on my own."

I hold the key up to the light so I can look at it better. "So this one key unlocks all the cells?"

"And the door to the dungeon. It's a master key so it has the ability to unlock all doors."

"And you're actually trusting me with this?"

"Of course." He pushes my bangs up leaving a kiss on my forehead before he stands up making his way to the door. "If you need me, I'll be overlooking my chaos. If you get tired, just say my name and I'll be here to help with the dreams. Otherwise find some clothes in my closet and change. Your current ones have blood on them" He walks out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I get off the bed walking over to Bill's closet opening it taking out some clothes and change into a white button up shirt, black trousers with black suspenders, a yellow and black suit jacket with pyramid patterns on it and yellow fingerless gloves with black patterns on them. I roll the sleeves of the suit jacket up to my elbows so it won't hang over my hands before I look in the mirror connected to the closet door. My fingers trace the fresh scar on my face now, it being obvious against my otherwise pale and untainted skin. Not like I was anything worth looking at anyway.

I close the closet door as I look at the key in my hand. None of this feels right. I thought that doing what he wanted, no matter how much I didn't agree with it, would fill the emptiness I have felt since we defeated him all those years ago. But still nothing sits right. If anything, everytime he makes me betray my family the feeling just grows worse.

I can't keep doing this. I have to at least try and make this right.

Taking a deep breathe I open the door and peek out into the hallway making sure no one else is around. I stuff the key in my pocket before I make my way down the halls and back down the stairs towards the dungeon.

Getting to the dungeon door I take the key out of my pocket and put it in the key lock. I try to turn the doorknob but it won't turn.

Confused I try the key again but the door still won't open. "What the hell? He said this was supposed to work."

"Yeah, I did say that didn't I?" I freeze hearing his voice behind me. "But the thing about demons, my dear Pinetree, we are compulsive liars. We can't help it, it's in our blood."

I slowly turn to face him as he makes his way over to me, my hand holding the key shaking wildly in fear. "I-I-I was just-"

"Don't even try. I knew what you were going to do the minute I gave you the key."

He grabs my wrist holding it up and twisting it painfully, making me whine in pain, barely any sound coming out.


"Shut up shut up!" He twist my wrist more until I am forced to let go of the key, it hitting the floor with a small clatter. He let's go of my wrist and slams his hands on the the door behind me, keeping me trapped against the door with no way out. "You were going to betray me."


"No one fucking betrays me." He growls before tapping my forehead and I feel my body hit the ground hard as the world around me goes dark.

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