Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

3 weeks later

I sigh as I look down at the sketch in my notebook. It was supposed to just be a sketch of the woods but somehow my hand subconsciously drew Bill in that human form. It's been three weeks and he hasn't shown up to me again but the nightmares have just gotten worse and now I am seeing things when I shouldn't. Maybe Ford is right about me just losing time because of the meds but I feel it in my bones that this is something different. Everyone just thinks I'm crazy and maybe I am.

Mabel is even colder to me then when she got here. She still won't talk to me and spends all her time with her friends or talking to them on the phone in her room.

I hear something land on my hat. Glancing up I see a familiar fairy peeking over the brim of my hat. "Hi Annie."

"Hi Dipper. What's wrong? You have been acting strange these past few weeks. Everyone has noticed, even the multibear. "

"Have.....have you and the others looked into that thing I asked you to?"

"Of course we did. But we have seen no signs of that monster."

"I thought so....." I mumble closing the notebook.

"What's wrong?" She flutters down and sits criss cross on the notebook.

"Just haven't been getting much sleep. The meds haven't been helping like they should and Mabel...."

"Has she been mean to you?"

"No....but she won't talk to me. I try but she always just brushes past me. I had hoped she forgave me by now."

"But you didn't do anything wrong. It more sounds like she's just being unreasonable. She's made decisions that you didn't like either. She seems to be acting unfair towards you."

"I don't know....." I glance at the time on my watch. "I should get going." I hold my hand out and she hops into it. I stand up and set her on a nearby tree branch since the fairies live in the trees. "I'll see you sometime soon."

I jog back to the shack and step inside seeing Ford working on cleaning up after breakfast, Stan out front starting a tour as usual. "Do you need any help, Ford?"

"Not with this but I could use a hand downstairs. I am working on mixing some dangerous chemicals together. Could you go down and start on that for me? The instructions are by the vials just be very careful. If you mix them wrong they can be very dangerous."

"Alright." I head over to the vending machine making sure no one is around as I input the code and head down to his lab.

Over the years he's made the lab a lot bigger and with a lot of new equipment. I go over to the table with the chemicals glancing over the list before I get the right equipment to mix them correctly.

My mind keeps wandering back to Bill. If he really is back why hasn't he shown himself again? None of what's happening makes sense.

Smelling a foul odor I look down at the chemicals seeing one of them bubbling and turning a different color. That should not be happening. I glance at the instructions again and realize that I accidentally mixed two chemicals that are guarenteed to explode when mixed. "Oh no...."

Before I can move the chemicals explode sending me flying back on the ground hard. I painfully sit up coughing slightly seeing part of the lab on fire.

I quickly get up and grabbing the emergency fire extinguisher I put out the fire, glad that it wasn't huge but Ford is not going to be happy about this.

I hear the elevator and turn around seeing Ford. "Dipper, what the hell happened?"

"I....I was mixing the and accidentally mixed two that exploded."

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