Chapter 14

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(Dipper pov)

I sit on my bed with him sitting behind me running a hand through my hair as I try to read. "I can tell you're distracted, Pinetree. What's wrong?"

"You running a hand through my hair kind of makes it hard to focus on reading."

"No that isn't it. I've done this many times before and you can usually read fine. So tell me what's bothering you now."

"Where did you put my family?"

"I put them in France. Paris, specifically so they can't bother us. Why?"

"I want to go back to the shack."

His hand slowly comes out of my hair. "Why would you want to do something as stupid as that?"

"Because it's my home and all my things are there."

"If you want anything I can just make it appear for you. You know this."

"I know. But the things in the Mystery Shack have sentimental meaning to me." I hear him scoff and can guess that he's rolling his eye. Shutting my book I set it down before turning around to face Bill so I'm straddling his waist. I hold his face in my hands as I softly kiss his lips taking him by surprise before he kisses me back. I pull away as his hand snakes it's way up my back and under my shirt.

"Who knew you were such a tease, Pinetree."

"Here is an unofficial deal. You want to finish? Let me go to the Mystery Shack."

"You know I don't usually make unoffical deals." His hands move down unbuttoning my pants. "But for you I will make an exception. We finish this quickly and then I will take you to the shack."

"That's good enough for me."

He pushes my pants and boxers down. He pushes his pants down, his member springing forth as he puts me over it. He kisses my lips as he lowers me down onto it, his kiss muffling my moans.

He thrusts his hips up into me, picking up speed his tongue leaving no area of my mouth untouched.

His mouth leaves mine, as he leaves kisses and bites down my jawline to my neck, picking up pace with his hip thrusting. He bites down on my neck and I  feel blood on my skin as I moan one last time, reaching my climax.

I feel him finish up inside of me as he licks up the blood.

"Good Pinetree." He purs in my ear. He gently lifts me off of him pulling my pants and boxers back on me and does the same with his pants.

"We had an agreement."

"I know, I know." He snaps his fingers and we're no longer in the fearamid.

I look around seeing we're in town but it's all just rubble and fire. "I said I wanted to go the the Mystery Shack."

"Isn't seeing the state of the town good enough?"

"No I said the Mystery Shack. We had a fucking agreement."

"Speaking of fucking-"

"No!" I shove him back. "Where is everyone?"

"They all left town. Thought other parts of the country might be safer."

"Why didn't you take me to the Mystery Shack like I wanted?"

"I have to warn you. It's not going to be pretty."

"What are you talking about? What the hell did you do?"


I don't let him finish that sentence before I take off running. I've lived in these woods long enough to know exactly where it is, even during the end of the world.

I stop looking in horror at where the Mystery Shack used to stand but now all that is there is a pile of splinters. Anything that I had owned is burnt to a crisp.

"Pinetree please understand it wasn't me. One of the Henchmaniacs got out of control."

"You destroyed everything...."

"Dipper I didn't mean for this to happen."

He puts a hand on my shoulder but I shove him away tears in my eyes. "I gave up everything for you! You know why I made the original deal with you? Because some fucked up part of me missed you! There was always a part of me that wanted to understand you but never could! I missed you for 6 long years!"


"Did you feel anything back at all for in that long span of time? Have you ever really loved me? Have you ever missed me?" I feel tears rapidly cascading down my cheeks.


Did you....ever regret....or was it just me?" He reaches out for me but I pull away. "I hate you....I wish I had never made any deal with you...."

"'re wish is my command...."

With a snap of his fingers he is gone and so is all of his chaos.

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