part 1

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I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house, ignoring the drunk calls of my father. I hopped on my bike and headed for the school. Eventually eddie and stan popped up, "Hey guys". "Hey" eddie said and stan nodded. "Yall excited for our new classes. New school, new teachers" eddie asked and i laughed, "New bullies" then stan caught on, "New areas". Eddie shrugged and kept peddiling till we arrived at derry maine high school. It was the only high school in the whole town but its ok because we have barley any kids here and most of them are to stupid or poor to even try to get an education. We parked in a bike rack and looked around when eddie made a sharp noise, "Shit". I turend the way he was facing and followed his eyes which met with henry bowers, the biggest bitch in this whole town, should be in jail. He started his way over here till greta popped up infront of him and she started poncing herself on him.

We looked away, quickly, and found beverly and the rest. I started walking but eddie wasnt behind me. I turned around and saw him digging in his fanny pack for his medicine. "Eds come on" i yelled and he kept searching, "Give me a second richie" he responded quickly and agitated. I walked over and grabbed his hand, "Just take them later, you dont need them eddie". He looked up at me then looked back at his fanny back and sighed, "Fine ill do it later" then he zipped it up. I quickly let go of his hand, not wanting to make a first impression on the new school, and we quickly walked over to the rest.

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