part 11

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I put my hands on his knees and pushed myself up a little and eddie moved the bowl to the side with his free hand. Eddie hopped down and pushed his body against mine but didnt do anything. I placed my hands on his neck and he moved his hands to my face. "How long does it take t-" i hear a voice say and i quickly move away from eddie and lean on the counter while eddie turns around and picks up the bowl acting like he was ready to go. "Oh hey stan" i say and eddie smiles, "hey stan, we were about to come up". "Yeah im sure you were" he said and turned when eddie ran up to him. "Please dont tell the rest", i didnt know why he didnt want the losers to know but i just nodded, whatever eddie felt comfortable with. Stan nodded then grabbed the bowl and went upstairs. I walked up to him and just stood there, "So uh". "please dont tell them" he begged and i nodded, "Why though". "Because i trust you and stan to keep your mouth shut, if my mom found out i wouldnt be able to see you ever richie" he explained and i nodded, "wanna go" i asked and he nodded.

While we walked to the room i was super tense but i think richie noticed because he ruffled my hair, "Dont worry, trust stan". I loosned up a little bit and we walked in. "Hey what took yall so long" beverly asked and stan just kept watching the movie while everyone else looked over. I was about to say something when richie cut in, "This dingus burnt the popcorn so we had to cook more then we couldnt find the salt". How was he able to act so normal, im scared stan is gonna tell them. "Yup, pretty salty" stan said then bill laughed, "i th-think you b-b-burnt this too". I apologized then sat down on my bed. Everyone else was on the floor or in a chair. Richie looked around but didnt see a place to sit so he sat beside me, "Hey stan pass me the popcorn". Stan passed it to him. Richie ate a handful then with a full mouth said, "We did a pretty good job". I smiled and just ignored him.

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