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"your family." i spoke out, he tilted his head "they all have magic gifts, right?" i asked.
"well yeah! my little brother is having his ceremony this week." he grinned, i nodded as i listened to him while he ranted about all of his siblings's gifts and how cool they were.

"i think i've never been on one." i said quietly, he held his chin as he hummed in thought.
"yeah nope, i mean you moved here two years ago right?" he raised his eyebrows while waiting for an answer.
"last year actually." i corrected him, he nodded to himself.
"well i guess antonio will be your first." he shrugged and took another bite on the apple before throwing it inside the trash next to the fridge. he was then leaning on the fridge with me, too close actually. i moved a bit from him and looked down at my feet.

we stood in silence for a while, i guess our conversation was over, too bad, i was actually starting to-
"i've heard your family also has gifts." oh we're talking again.

"yeah...we do." i smiled softly while keeping my gaze down.
"wanna tell me what they are?" he bumped my shoulder softly with his elbow while giving me a bright smile. i took a deep breath and nodded.
"um...come on." i said.

we walked down the hall and stopped in front of a big wall filled with small individual portraits who formed a crooked heart. camilo whistled while shaking his hand.
"man that's a lot of people." he said, i nodded.

i pointed at the top picture on the left of the heart, it had a small portrait of a very old woman with braided buns and a cheeky smile.
"that was my great grandma joana, my parents told me she could change people's perspective of her in a blink of an eye." i smiled at the cute picture that we last took of her.

"wait so she could make people love her even if they hated her?" camilo asking with mischief in his eyes, i smiled.
"i mean i guess." he nodded with his hand holding his chin.

i then pointed on the picture under joana's, it had a picture of a not so old woman with a long ponytail with her bright eyes turned into little smiles whilst she grinned happily at the camera.
"this is my dad's mom vitória-"
"wait so all of these people are from your dad's side?" camilo asked with a confused look, i shook my head.

"this side is my dad's, the other is my mom's." i pointed at the other side of the heart.
"oooooh," he scratched the back of his neck "okay continue." he clapped his hands together.

"my grandma is able to manipulate people's emotions." camilo gasped.
"does that mean she can make people feel afraid of her?" I nodded "qué chimba!" he beamed.
"too bad she's in brazil." camilo whined.
"she's the coolest one so far," he confessed "no offense." i chuckled, in which somehow put him in a better mood.

i then pointed at another picture with my dad holding baby miguel with the short hair he had a fee years back.
"this is my dad, he can feel people's emotions." camilo tilted his head.
"that sounds kind of boring." he turned to me with a frown.
"i told him the same thing." i giggled, camilo chuckled at my response.

i then pointed at the picture of miguel holding a puppy, i believe it was one of our neighbor's back in brazil.
"and this is my brother miguel, he can manipulate plants." camilo gasped.
"like he can create vines with spikes?" i shook my head.
"he kind of resurrects them, like turning dead plants into living plants." camilo nodded.
"and what about you?" he asked leaning closer to me.
"um...i can-"
"yeah?" he asked while raising one of his eyebrows like a jokester.
"move things with my mind." i said shyly while talking a few steps back.
"wait really?" he gasped whilst smiling, i nodded.
"man we could be partners in crime!" he quickly put his hand on my shoulder while his other hand was pressed against his chest.

i chuckled at the comment, perhaps we could get along rather fine. maybe we could even become friends, as long he didn't bother me like alejandro.
"so that's it?" he asked while examining the rest of the portraits. i nodded, he seemed glued onto my mom's side.

"are you okay?" he looked at me.
"yes...yes it's just...." i frowned "you mom's side looks so..." he held back a back, "funny." he snickered, i tried to keep my own laugh in.
"they were born goofy." i giggled.

maria!" we jumped once my dad yelled my name from the kitchen.

camilo and i laughed silently for a while as we walked back to the kitchen, my dad was sat on the counter while drinking a big bottle of water and then stopped with wide eyes when he spotted camilo.
"quem é esse?" he asked with a frown.
"um..." i looked over at camilo then at my dad "this is my friend, camilo." i give him a soft smile, my dad choked on his water.
"oh." he coughed "that's awesome honey!" he beamed and then looked over at camilo "he feels the same way." he chuckled getting camilo flushed in embarrassment.

"don't tell him i dissed his gift..." camilo whispered slightly making me giggle.
"what was that?" my dad smirked, i cleared my throat.
"he um...thinks your outfit looks nice." my dad looked down at his white blouse and apron all dirty with dust, letting his long hair fall a bit on his face.
"sorry about that!" he chuckled while fixing his hair "i'll go change." he gave us finger guns and awkwardly walked upstairs.

"well,i bet he loves me already." camilo crossed his arms proudly with a full chest.
"bet." i chuckled, he rolled his eyes with a grin.
"i thought you were the quiet one?" he teased, i looked away with a small smile.
"well," he wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a smirk "i guess we're dancing to the same rhythm right?" i chuckled while looking down, he let go of me and crossed his arms again with proud.
"well," i sighed "i guess you're right." his eyes widened while dropping down his mouth.
i giggled and he laughed.

"camilo!" we heard a young voice call out.
"aw man." camilo whined like he knew instantly who it was.
"i'm coming mama!" camilo shouted from the window, i just stood there confused.
"i guess this is goodbye?" i spat out with my lips curled up.
"no," camilo scratched "just a see you later!" he winked and left closing the door softly.
i took a deep breath while laying my hand against my chest, that was something!
"i'm back-oh ele foi embora..." my dad sighed in relief, i chuckled.
"were you also tensed up?" i asked, he nodded and continued drinking his water.
i suppose the awkwardness runs in my dad's side after all.


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