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i woke up in a scare, a big storm seemed to be going around the village. i looked outside my window seeing dark clouds surrounding the skies especially in the direction of the madrigal residence.
"gente alguém morreu?" i heard my dad as i left my room.
"is everything ok out there?" my mom asked outside the door and then she jumped once cactuses and wild flowers sprouted from the ground.
"wow!" miguel grinned "isabela's totally fuming!" he smirked.

"is this normal?" my mother asked one of the villagers. they all seemed so worried.
and then out of nowhere cracks started to appear on the roads and pavements, i gasped and began to run after them just to end up in front of the madrigal's house.
"maria!" i heard from the distance.
i gulped and went inside the house to see all of the madrigals looking at mirabel and abuela alma as they seemed to be fighting.
"and abuelo is dead because of you!" everyone went silent, and then the house began to completely fall apart, my eyes widened. and soon enough things began to fall, the chandelier that was once on the ceiling was now on the small tiles of the home.

i looked at mirabel and saw her running towards the window where the magical candle resided in "mirabel!" i shouted getting glances from the other madrigals.
"go away!" abuela shouted.
"how about you take a nap granny?!" i shouted back and began to run after mirabel.
"casita help me out!" mirabel shouted, i could see camilo running in the balcony but then falling onto the ground once his power stopped whilst isabela tried the same and also falling apart.

mirabel climbed the rails casita gave her and reached out for the candle "mirabel!" we heard abuela calling.
"got it!" said mirabel before the entire tower began to collapse.
mirabel landed next to me and widened her eyes when she noticed me.

"what are you-" before she could finish a piece of the tower began to fall on top of her.
"watch out!" i yelled getting in front of her and then lifted my hands up making the pieces of the house float on top of us while other pieces of the ceiling fell apart.
i groaned trying to keep it together and not get us smashed by the house, minutes later the crumbling stopped letting me place down the rocks with relief.
"are-...are you okay?" i tried to speak while taking a few breaths in.

i looked down at mirabel to see her looking down full of guilt and sorrow "mirabel?" i whispered placing a hand on her shoulder.
"i'm sorry." she mumbled before hurrying off.
"mirabel?" i heard señora julieta yell before noticing me "where's mirabel?!" she asked grabbing my face.
"i...i don't know." i sighed, julieta took a deep breath before hugging me.
"thank you maria." she whispered, i slowly hugged back.

"where's mirabel?" abuela asked almost accusing me.
"calm down mama she saved her life!" sai julieta.
"well she should've done the same with all the thousands they've killed!" abuela's eyes widened for a bit before she stormed off.
i frowned "thousands?" i muttered, i looked over at julieta who was shaking her head.

"maria!" i heard my family call out with the rest of the village following behind them.
"wow someone partied too hard..." miguel joked before getting a slap in the head from my mom.

i sighed and walked over to them for a hug.
"aw thank goodness you're safe." my mom whispered while rubbing my head.
"what happened?" my dad asked looking over at the depressed family.
"well it's kind of obvious really." miguel spat out getting a glare from everyone including the madrigals "what?" they looked away.

"where's mirabel?" one of the kids spoke.
"we'll find her!" señor felix spoke with confidence.
"i hope so." said señora pepa hugging camilo.
i gulped looking at the broken pieces of the house scattered around the area, everything was in shatters, the windows,the doors, the rooms and casita. and somehow also the magic and the gifts, they had nothing else but eachother.

"come on people let's find my daughter!" said julieta's husband getting his finger stung by a bee. he winced.
"yeah let's find my sister!" isabela shouted, i didn't even notice how different she looked. her hair had many other colours of yellow and red while her dress had tons of black and many other colour as well. it kinda looked better.

the madrigals divided into groups and began to look out for mirabel.
"you're coming with us!" doleres smirked pulling my arm while she, camilo and antonio followed felix and pepa to the forest.
"well good luck then" miguel waved while my parents laughed.

"mirabel!" felix shouted climbing a small mountain.
dolores tried to use her ears but she knew it wouldn't work the same, antonio tried to speak to one of the animals but it wouldn't work either. camilo didn't even have to try to know he was also powerless.
"at least you've still got your gift." he sighed.
"i hope mirabel's ok." antonio mumbled.
"she will." dolores patted his head.

"mirabel where are you?" camilo yelled.
"mirabel!" i yelled also getting camilo to jump.
"wow and i thought you were the quiet one!" he teased.
"camilo could you stop flirting?" dolores teased "mirabel's is missing." we then continued to walk whilst i laughed st camilo making fun of dolores behind her back.

"i'll ask julieta if she's seen anything!" said pepa rushing down the mountain as if her life depended on it.
"ok kids come on we should head back too." said felix helping us go down.
"how come you guys still have gifts?" antonio asked.
"why do you ask?" i heard camilo scoff.
"well because you're literally far away from home and our magic just disappeared." i nodded.
"well like i said we were born with our gifts." i sighed.

"but isn't there a way to get rid of them?" dolores asked, i frowned.

"i'm not sure..."


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