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"abuela the casita's in danger!" mirabel shouted as we entered the room.

everyone inside looked at the older woman "show me." she nodded.
the two of us quickly went back to show the cracks bur mirabel's eyes widened again "they were here!" she pointed.
"it's true." i said getting abuela's attention.

the woman glared at the two of us and we lowered our heads.
"it's okay everyone! our casita's strong, and so are the dreams." the villagers and they went back to party inside antonio's room.
"abuela!" mirabel called and she looked back at us.
"it's not your fault mirabel," she sighed and then pointed at me "it's hers!" she glared before following the people.
i frowned and looked down at myself.

"what did she mean by that?" mirabel shrugged, i sighed nervously fidgeting with my fingers.
"i don't think it has something to do with you i guess." mirabel placed her hand on my shoulder with a smile. i nodded.
"maria?" she called out as i began to walk out of the house. i guess she gave up on the first try.

i sighed while i continued on walking further away from the house.
"maria!" a familiar voice shouted behind me, and i already knew who it was from.
"what is it camilo." i asked not even bothering to turn around.
"why are you walking away? your family is inside." he said taking a few breaths in as if he had been running around a field.

"i know, i just need a little time outside." i looked at him over my shoulder with a soft smile, he stared at me for a while before letting out a sigh.
"is it because of abuela alma?" he placed his hand of my shoulder, i just looked at the tree in front of me taking the small details of its leaves while i thought.
"no." i said.

honestly, i was mostly confused on why she said that to me. maybe it was just a misunderstanding since mirabel the casita was in danger.
maybe she was just scared, obviously my family has only been in this village for a year, so it made  sense she didn't trust us right away. it's not everyday another magical family comes into your village where only your family had magical gifts. i would be scared too.

"are you sure?" camilo stood in front of me to see how i was crying or anything like that.
"there's just too many people inside," camilo nodded and hold his chin with his thumb.
"well," he shrugged " mind if i come with you?" he winked while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
i chuckled "sure." i smiled, he took his arm away and just stayed silent with me as we continued walking together.

we walked for a while and then camilo pointed out a small hill with just plain grass.
"we could lay there for a while." he suggested, i took a few minutes to think and decided 'why not?'
we rushed over to the hill and laid down on the soft and yet spiky grass.
camilo sighed calmly "are you okay?" he asked laying his arms under his head.

i breathed the night's air and looked over at the very little stars that faded with the distance.
"a little." camilo hummed trying to think of something.
"maybe we could talk about something else." he suggested.
"i would like that." i breathed.

he sat down while scratching his arms before turning his gaze on me, letting his arm lay on one of his knees.
"how does your family get the gifts?" he said while gazing at the stars.
"what do you mean?" i sat down a bit closer to him.
"like where do they come from?" said camilo while moving his hands.
"we're born with them." i shrugged, he frowned and slowly turned his head at me.

"so you were born with the gift of moving things with your mind?" i nodded, his whispered a small 'wow'.
"you guys aren't?" i asked and he instantly shook his head, making all of his curly hairs move side to side.
"we just open the doors and poof!" he swiped his hand across his face before transforming it to mine and then back to his normal face.
"that's kind of scary." i chuckled.
"hah! you should've seen dolores when she got her gift!" he laughed.
"oh no." i gasped with a grin.
"yeah you could say she went loco in the first year!" he shrugged while laughing a bit more. we calmed down a bit before camilo asked another question.
"so how was it growing up with your gift? i bet it got you into a lot of trouble." he crossed his arms with a smirk.

"well i was kind of like you as a kid." camilo laughed a bit before realising i was saying the truth.
"no me jodas." he gasped.
"im serious!" i chuckled.
"well i never imagined you being so extravagant like me." he said making very dramatic poses, i laughed.
"i know i know," i sighed, my smile slowly faded away.
"what is it?" camilo asked noticing the tension.
"i hurt alot of people back then, including a group of friends i had." i then started fidgeting with my fingers again.

camilo patted my back softly, i looked over at him.
"you don't have to talk about it if you want." he gazed down at my hands.
i sighed and stopped to think, perhaps sharing just one story won't hurt.
"is it ok if i just tell you one story?" i smiled, he shrugged with a calm smile.

"well," i started "back in brazil we lived in a very poor neighborhood but at least i had many kidd there to play with." i smiled "we would chase down rolling car wheels and compete to see who was the fastest." i chuckled.
i looked over st the grass before i continued to speak.
"back in school, i had this friend named joão miguel. he was just like you i guess," camilo smiled and leaned his cheek against his palm "he was nice and short-"
"hey!" camilo called out, dramatising his reaction.
"sorry sorry." i chuckled and cleared my throat "as i was saying," camilo rolled his eyes "he was everything to me, someone who actually liked to play with me everyday." i sighed.

"but?" camilo came a bit closer letting our shoulders glue to eachother.
"one day," i looked down at camilo's yellow ruena trying to look at its chameleon details. "i had a fight with him about who was right about chocolate milk being made out of milk or just chocolate juice." camilo held a laugh "it's not funny" i chuckled.
"right right." he cleared his throat and let me continue the story.
"i was very angry of course," that's when i started seeing a small flashback of the scene "but without even thinking i accidentally used my gift on him." camilo nodded silently "somehow i pushed him on the school's wall too hard." i then looked st camilo's face.
"he ended up with his left arm and leg completely broken" i felt my mouth going dry.

camilo didn't say anything, he just grabbed one of my hands and gave me a warm smile. a smile so bright that could literally light up the night we were under, it could guide me inside pitch dark rooms whenever i was lonely. it could warm up my winter mornings and turn them into summer evenings, or maybe even wrap me up like s blanket whenever i needed some comfort.
i couldn't quite tell was it was about him, but somehow he made me feel good already even without saying a single word, the way his dark green eyes felt comforting to look at for the first time. i never even thought of actually being ok with looking at someone in the eye but somehow i just did, with his atleast.

"that's really awesome." i broke my train of thought and frowned "what? being able to break someone's arm is kinda cool." he shrugged with honesty.
"but i made him cry?" i frowned.
"well i know it's bad but you were just a kid maria." he comforted me wrapping his arms around my shoulders and softly rubbing my back with one of them.
"but my parents had to run off to somewhere else?" he shook his head and hugged me closer.
"well you don't do that anymore do you?" he said, i thought for a bit and smiled before hugging him back.

"thank you camilo." i whispered.
"you're welcome." he whispered back.
we broke the hug and sat there staring at the moonless sky for s bit before deciding to walk back to the casita.
"we should talk more." i confessed once we reached the front door.
camilo scoffed "says the girl who runs off whenever someone waves at her." he teased getting his face closer to mine.
i pushed him away "hey i was just thought you liked hanging out with me." i shrugged, camilo gasped dramatically making another of his dramatic poses again.
"but i do!" i said as if he were on a kid's play.
"i thought so." i winked, i could see camilo's cheeks get a bit flushed but he hid them with his sleeve.
"right right." he chuckled.

i was about to open the door when my very worried dad came out to hug me.
"ai deus pensava que você tinha sido levada!" he whispered under his breath while hugging me rather a bit too tight.
"don't do that maria!" my mom smacked me in the head.
"ouch ok." i mumbled.
the two noticed camilo, my dad just walked away while my mom gave him a grin and a friendly wave and then letting him come inside his own house.


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