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we stood there in silence looking at the glowing vision. mirabel did not look well.
"mirabel-" and suddenly her dad came in, mirabel quickly tried to look natural while i just just there stiffly. the vision was not well hidden, so much that it had to be casita dragging it behind us.
mirabel sighed "ok we went through bruno's tower and almost died but maria helped and then we got one of his visions about and now i think the magic is doomed and that casita is cracking because of me!" she said rapidly all in one breath.

"papi?" she called out while her dad just stared down at the vision with a pale face. he took a breath.
"we'll just hide this and pretend that the magic isn't doomed or the house is cracking nobody can know!" he said leaning his face close to mirabel's, and with a crack of a door we see dolores from the other side of the balcony letting out a squeal.
"i know." she whispered before dashing downstairs.
"we're doomed" i whispered
"yup." said mirabel.

"ok you have to get out here!" mirabel rushed be towards her window "help her down casita!" and with that the house turned the window doors into a small slide.
"what about you?" i asked.
"i'll be fine! i'll keep my eye on dolores" she hushed "you just have to get home ok?" i nodded and slid down next to the front door.
"you were great!" mirabel whispered before closing her window.

i smiled to myself and went started walking home when i saw a bunch of people from the village holding a big sign walking towards the house. at the end of the crow was laura.
"maria!" she said, i waved at her and she walked over to me.
"what are you doing here?" i asked.
"mariano is proposing to isabela so we're going to bust in and congratulate them" laura shrugged.
"right." i nodded.

"so do you think she'll say yes?" i asked whilst everyone waited.
"of course she will!" laura scoffed "they're a match made from heaven!" she said with jazz hands.
"well you never know." i shrugged while laura rolled her eyes.
"please as if, they're like soulmates i'm telling you!" she shook her finger.
"ok." i signed.

"so let's talk about something else." said laura trying to break the silence.
"alright." i nodded.
"you and camilo."  she smirked, i raised an eyebrow at her.
"you guys are dating right?" she crossed her arms.
"no?" i frowned.
"well cause alejandro told me you ditched the party to hang in camilo's room." she raised an eyebrow at me while leaning closer.
"and?" i asked taking a fee steps back.
"and?" she scoffed "you didn't come out of there traumatized!" she said "unless he traumatized you with something else?" she smirked while looking at me up and down.
"that's disturbing." i muttered.
"ugh come on! camilo only lets people inside his room to prank them!" she groaned.
"and what if I don't like pranks?" she rolled her eyes.
"please even when i was crushing on him he didn't care." she smirked.

i tilted my head "you used to have a crush on him?" she blushed.
"well-yes...but not anymore!" she panicked.
"why not." she sighed.
"well because he's...a little bit annoying." she gave me a boxy smile, she was definitely not lying.
"so you stopped having feelings for him because he was annoying?" she bit her lip.
"and because he was a bit too clingy." she confessed.
"what's wrong with that?" she sighed.
"it's just..." she thought for a bit "he always asks if you're okay and like always wants to hang out with you!" she massaged her temples "i got sick of it and when he confessed to me i just rejected him."

i frowned, why would she do that? did she at least apologize for leading him on. or maybe that's how it goes, i truly hoped it wouldn't happen with miguel and carlos. that would've been so sad to watch. but still, it was kind of a stupid reason to loose feelings for someone who cared a lot about her, but i suppose people have they preferences.
"that's sad." i managed to let out.
"yeah," laura breathed "what about you?" she stared at me.
"you lost your feelings for him already or?" she trailer off.
"i never had feelings for him?" i said.
"oh." she spat out "good for you i guess." she shrugged.

Cornflowers (Camilo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now