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tonight was the day. it was the day we were going to witness our first gift ceremony of the madrigal family.
everyone is the village looked really excited,it seems like all of them got invited as well, how nice. but then again that happiness was soon destroyed when i remembered about the alejandro situation, knowing that i had to spend the night trying to hide and not enjoy myself that much.
which was my fault since i never said no to him, the consequences were hitting rather quickly.

"let's go everyone the ceremony might start!" my mother shouted with excitement as we exited our house.
"calm down juliana they might've not even finished the decorations yet!" me and my dad laughed.
"come on! it's a party! we haven't been in one for a while." she said while kissing my dad's cheek.

minutes later we saw a line formed at the madrigal's door, it wasn't long or short, it was well sized.
the line moved rather quickly so we didn't have to wait that much longer, and as we walked closer to the entrance i saw a familiar face welcoming all the guests.
"cecilia up top!" it was camilo, shifting to a little girl and then himself.
i smiled and waited for him to notice us, in which he did, he and my dad looked at each other for a while while he shook hands with my mom with his party trick.

"hey maria! you didn't bother to dress up huh?" he said with a smirk.
"well i did change my blue skirt to a darker one so." i crossed my arms at him as he chuckled.
"well i'll see you inside." he winked while patting my back as i went inside the house.

the inside felt so magical to see,tiles would move, windows would open themselves. the flower decorations were perfect creating a great ambiance, it felt quite welcoming and warm, perhaps it was the candles or maybe the colombian weather.
many villagers were chatting and dancing, isabela using her flower gift to create cute little tricks like flower beards and bouquets as she joined the dancing as well.

"hola maria!" i heard behind me, i sighed and turned my head to see alejandro.
"hey..." i breathed.
"so you came after all?" he smirked, i nodded while fidgeting with my fingers.
"wanna hang out outside?" he pointed at the door we just came out from.
"um..." i hummed while trying to figure out how to get away from the situation.
"do you guys need anything?" a woman with short hair in blue attire came to us with a tray with food on it, it was señora julieta.
"oh thank you señora julieta!" alejandro grinned while picking something out of the tray, it gave me some time to turn around quietly walk away.
"maria?" i heard alejandro call out from the distance as i continued walking.

"thank you jesus..." i sighed in relief once i arrived to the food table that stood on the other side of the place.
"i thought you didn't need anything?" julieta spoke behind me, i quickly turned, the tall woman then turned herself into a shorter boy with curls and a yellow ruena. i chuckled.
"hola camilo." i breathed.
"and i thought i scared you off." he smirked while leaning his hand against the table.

"well...you kind of appeared out of nowhere." i fidgeted with my fingers again, he then grabbed my hand to make me stop.
"i know you're nervous," he spoke softly "there's a lot of people here right?" he raised one of his eyebrows while he had his arms behind his back.
"i guess." i said while looking the area surrounded by people.
"then," he gave me puppy eyes.
"what?" he rolled his eyes at me.
"we could..." he said while moving his gaze at me and at the  back door repetitively.

"oh..." i whispered and he nodded his head. i smiled and nodded my head as well.
"come on!" he grabbed my arm gently and dragged me to the back door of the house, slowly he closed the door trying not to get people's attention.

it had a nice meadow of green grass with some dandelions in the corner of far away trees. the sun sure hit like a bullet there.
"we usually eat here." camilo said while catching up to me.
"well i guess you don't have a problem with the lighting then." i joked.
"unless you like here eating at night." he shrugged.

i took a deep breath and smiled at the view in front of me. i never saw this side of the area, maybe it was because it had been hidden behind the madrigal's house, but yet again i could always walk up here myself, but maybe that would be trespassing...

"what do you wanna do?" camilo asked placing his elbow on top of my shoulder.
i looked at him then back at the scenery, i had no idea of what to do now that i was out, i expected to stay inside hidden from everyone but here i was. i've been in situations like these for quite a few times now, very confusing.
"im not sure." i sighed, camilo stayed silent before popping up with an idea.
"we could go to my room!" he suggested.

i frowned "but then we would have to go back inside?" he chuckled.
"not with casita around." he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, looking like a king who was about to shout something important.
"casita." he said.
nothing happened.
"casita." he spoke out much more louder.
nothing happened, i snickered.
he sighed and knocked on the walls of the house "casita!" he shouted.

"it seems like we have to go inside." camilo sighed in defeat.
"im okay with that." i shrugged, he did the same.
he placed his hand on my shoulder while leading me inside the house and to the stairs.
"camilo?" we heard man's voice.
"go go!" camilo whispered while pushing me up the stairs.

"who was that?" i asked, we then stopped at one of the glowing doors.
"mi papa." he said while grabbing on the door handle.
on that door it had a glowing picture of a very short camilo and some symbols who associated his gift, he opened the door and it only showed a dark room, i frowned.
"it's okay it won't hurt you." he patted my head, he snickered once i glared at him.

i took a few steps in and he closed the door behind us making me jump, he placed his hand on my back to assure he was there with me.
"so..." i trailed off in the silent room.
"we party." he shouted and out of nowhere the room lit up to show the inside of the house we were once in but with only the two of us and some clowns, there was thousands of silly decorations in every corner of the house as if a confetti cannon exploded inside it.
"oh my god...." i gasped and then a radio started to play on the background.
i looked around and saw camilo walking up to me while humming to the tune.

i grinned once he transformed himself into one of the clowns and started juggling empanadas.
"i think i prefer this ceremony." i laughed and he shifted to himself happily laughing with me.
"what do you think?" he crossed his arms, i looked at him and then at one of the clowns that would pass by in a monocycle. it was a complete chaos.
"it looks really fun." i chuckled.
"come on let's dance mama!" he winked while dramatically standing in the middle of the house.
"no thanks i'm good." he shrugged and started dancing like a small child, i giggled.

i softly clapped as i watching him dance, he seemed to be having lots of fun there. i hugged myself while i continued to look, he signaled me to go dance with him but i shook my head but soon enough the clowns joined in and started dancing with all the goofy energetic they had inside.
"come on!" camilo shouted and came over just to make a dramatic twirl and hand out his hand.
"fine!" i giggled and accepted it, letting camilo pull me to the center while both began to dance like two goofballs on too much sugar and coffee.


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