Chapter 9

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"Miles is dead," I turn around at the sound of one of the men's voices. "He was locking the door when they shot him. Laura and Robert were asleep in their bed. The bullets went through the wall,"

"What about the baby?" Cyrus asks. God, please let the baby be okay.

"I have her," My eyes look behind Cyrus to see Jessica. "She was at the school,"

"Oh, hello darlin'. It's all gonna be alright, Honey. Mommy and Daddy have gone to God, okay? It's all going to be alright. Take her to the temple and pray,"

"Distribute weapons," I sigh heavily, my head hanging. "And ammo. I prayed this day would never come, but it has. God will see us through," I can't believe this is actually happening.

The look Cyrus gives us makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Before I know it

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Before I know it. It's the next morning. From what I've heard, the others are trying to get us out of here, along with everyone else. A knock on the door signals Rossi's here. Cyrus opens the door and another guy pats him down. Cyrus closes the door which makes me slightly uncomfortable. "The children and our guest," He gestures over to Spencer and I.

"I'd hoped you'd let me take the children," Rossi speaks and surprisingly, it's a relief to hear his voice.

"No. They're under our protection. I remember Waco. We all do,"

"This isn't Waco,"

"They stay for now, while I pray for God's guidance. Please don't try to force us out,"

"No one's gonna try to force you out of here. Trust me," Rossi reassures.

"Trust is earned,"

"It is,"

"Tell them I'm not crazy. Tell them I'm just a man living by God's law,"

"I will," Rossi puts his hand out for Cyrus to shake. Cyrus looks at his hand before shaking it. Rossi then leaves, the door closing and locking behind him.

"Prepare the wine," The men crap a big container of wine, those kinds of containers that you have cranberry juice in. Cyrus pours some into everyone but Spencer and I's cups. "We are celebrating. Everyone drinks. Everyone rejoices because today, we are one day closer to being with him,"

Spencer and I watch as everything goes on from the back of the church, staying out of the way and not causing any problems. "Look at Jessica's body language. The way she looks at him,"

"She literally worships him. There's no way she made that 9-1-1 call," Spencer adds.

"Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings. Trust in mine,"

"Look how she comes between Cyrus and her daughter," I point out as Kathy talks quietly with Jessica. "She's inserted herself between them,"

"Acknowledge Him in all things and he will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge Him and I will guide our way,"

Polar Opposites ~ Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now