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Y/N woke up to the sound of coughing beside her. She turned and looked beside her, she saw her babyboy, taehyung, coughing and struggling to breathe in his sleep. She felt his forehead and as expected, he had a fever. She sighed and started calling him softly to wake him.

When he finally woke up he started sneezing aswell and eventually that led to him crying. Taehyung hated being sick even more than going to school. Y/N sat up and brought the crying boy to her lap and started comforting him with hugs and lots of little kisses. Eventually he calmed down now he was sniffling and his cough got worse.

Y/N got up with him in her arms and took him to the bathroom. She was gonna give him a bath since he was swearing cause of the fever. When they got in she filled the bath tub with warm water and some bubble bath, took taehyung's clothes off and gently lowered him into the water. At first he didn't wanna get into the water and just stay in y/n's arms but when he felt how nice it was he let himself relax and play with the bubbles.

Y/N cleaned him up and changed him into his favourite fluffy tiger onesie and lifted him up taking him downstairs to the living room. She put him on the couch gave him his favourite plushy and covered him with a blanket. It was 12:00 am so it was really cold out, she put on a movie for him on the TV, then walked to the kitchen to make him soup and get him medication.

Once she finished cooking she fed him and then came the hardest part. Getting him to take the medicine. Y/N took the syrup and poured it into the measuring cap. After getting the prescribed amount she held the cap up to taehyung's mouth. As expected he moved back, covered his mouth and whined. Y/N tried all ways possible to persuade him into taking the medicine but, nothing worked, she ended up holding him down and forcing him to take it.

She was alot stronger than him so he couldn't fight back and ended up taking the awfully tasting substance and then started crying right after. Not liking that y/n made him take the medicine and she wouldn't let him drink anything with it cause it wears off the affect of the medicine.

Y/N took the dishes to the kitchen and quickly washed them then went back to the couch where tae was crying with him plushy in one arm and his other thumb in his mouth and mumbling words she couldn't understand. It took a second but she finally realized her babyboy had slipped into his little space. She immediately went to him and pulled him to her chest and hushed him patting his bum and giving him kisses on his forehead.

Minutes later his cried turned into sniffles. His fever and cough seemed to have cooled down a little but not enough to say he was relatively okay. Y/N lifted the boy got up and headed back to their bedroom switching all the lights off on her way there. Getting inside she shut the door gently and layed her babyboy down. Grabbing the vix she rubbed some on his chest and and little on the tip of his nose to help with his breathing.

She then layed down beside the boy and cuddled with him giving her full attention to him all night till he fell asleep again with his pacifier in him mouth and holding tight onto y/n's shirt.

Hi all in back with a new book I hope this was okay next chapter will be out soon :)

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