jimin (3)

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As the next morning dawned on them y/n awoke to the soft voice of their mother. "Y/N you slept here"? Turning around to face their mother who sat on the edge of the bed she nodded with half open eyes with her index finger over her lips signaling Mrs.Park to be quiet and not wake jimin who was snuggled into his sister embrace fast asleep. Turning back to jimin y/n smiled in adoration for her baby brother, pecking his forehead she carefully removed her arm from under his head and made him sleep comfortably on his pillow replacing her body that he hugged with another.

Their mother stood up giving way to y/n as she stood up they both silenty exited his room shutting the door. As soon as they got out their mother spoke. "Y/N I'm sorry he pestered u into sleeping with him honey I'll surely fix him for that. I'm sure u must've been so uncomf-". Before she could complete her sentence she was met with y/n's hand infront of her signaling her to stop speaking. "No such thing happened eomma and you'll do no such thing, I chose to sleep beside him he's my baby brother I've missed him so much and I robbed him of that love that he's supposed to have from his elder sister by leaving so I'd rather be beside him and no I wasn't uncomfortable that actually must've been the best I've slept in years".

Mrs.park was baffled by how y/n spoke over her but argued no further. "Alright...we'll...go freshen up and come down for breakfast". She started to walk off but y/n questioned again. "Aren't u gonna wake him for breakfast? He barely ate last night aswell". Mrs.Park simply shook her head making y/n's jaw drop. "If he does or doesn't eat I don't care, it's his choice". She walked away leaving y/n angered to say the least. Is this really how they've been treating her baby all these years.

Walking away to her room she quickly freshened up and threw on some casual clothes then made her way back to jimins room. As she entered quietly she couldn't help her smile. He was still fast asleep just as she left him. Sitting on the edge of the bed she patted his head softly. "Poor child, u must be so tired". She almost felt bad for having to wake him but she wasn't about to have him going about the rest of the day on an empty stomach.

Brushing through his hair with her hands, she patted his back till he woke up. "Good morning sweetheart". She greeted him with a soft smile as he rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws yawning. "Good morning noona". He answered in that soft voice that never failed to warm her heart. "Did u sleep well"? He nodded his fluffy bed head moving just as much as him. "Alright well its time to get up hun, let's go have breakfast, shall we"? As soon as she said that his movements stilled. He couldn't even remember the last time he had breakfast.

"What's wrong, bub"? Looking at her he shook his head with a sleepy smile. "Alright". Getting up y/n lifted him from under his arms making him stand on the bed and match her height. "Oh". She spoke In shock making him look at her very puzzled. Y/N looked at him making sure she wasn't going crazy. Jimin was quite literally light as a feather. She held him with ease...too much ease. "What's wrong noona"? He tilted his head in search of an answer. Snapping back to reality y/n held jimin again this time placing him on the ground infront of her, that confirmed it. "Bub, how are you so light, that's not normal for your age baby". She looked at him concerned she couldn't miss the panic that peaked within him.

"O-oh, well you know I've always been like this noona". He smiled nervously unsatisfied with his own answer. She eyed him clearly not fund of his answer but she pressed on it no longer for now. "Hm, Okay, go brush your teeth them come let's have breakfast". He did and they left to downstairs. As they got down they were met with their father on a business call per usual and their mother was still at the dining table reading the papers. "Oh y/n finally- oh, you're awake aswell". Jimins eyes were only on the floor. "Sit down I'll serve u both". Y/N and their mother spoke as y/n ate and jimin sat there....playing with his foot thinking he'd gone unnoticed but it was far from that.

As y/n finished eating she turned to jimin who ate only half a pancake if so much. "Bub, why didn't you eat"? Jimin snapped out of his deep thoughts giving y/n a fake smile he spoke. "Look noona I ate a bit". Y/N shook her head, you're a growing child u need to eat more, come I'll feed you". Jimin tried to protest but it served no purpose as she made him eat. Their mother sat there watching not pleased at all.

"Y/N why are u straining yourself if he doesn't wish to eat let him be, not that he ever does anything at all". Y/N gave jimin the last of his food before speaking. "Mom I'll have u know you and dad might do it but I won't tolerate any nonsense said against my little brother so I'd advise you choose your words wisely". Mrs.Park sat there in disbelief of y/n's words. Sitting back y/n watched as jimin drank his water with a smile. "Great job my baby, you finished your food as u always, your body needs the energy and nutrition". Jimin couldn't hold back his own smile, he loved the way his sister loved him unlike anyone else.

"Come now I have a fun down planned for us".

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