taehyung (2) (2/2) End

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After that day sharing her experience with him and bonding with him y/n swore from then on she'd always protect Tae with her life, she started seeing him as the little brother she never had. Her only family was him, his happiness was vital for her.

She always checked in with him daily after she'd return home from work, they'd have dinner together and talk about their day, she'd often take him out for evening walks in a nearby park when there wasn't as much people around to disturb them, if it was too cold but they wanted to go out she'd take him on a night drive.

Weeks passed like this till it was time for his parents trial.

Taehyung paced up and down in his room his hands slightly shaking as he tugged at his white button-down shirt. He was nervous, all over the media there was his parents pictures with the date for their court hearing which was today. Y/N told him they had to present in the room his anxiety was at peak.

He jumped when he heard a knock on his door. "Bear, are u done? May I come in"? "Y-yes noona". She came in looking dashing in her black suit her short shaggy hair tied half up her bangs framing her face. "How do I look"? She asked with a smile. "Great". He returned her smile as best as he could trying to hide his nerves.

Tho his clothes were neat his hair was still a birds nest making y/n shake her head. "Come, I'll help u fix your hair". Putting her hand on the small of his back she ushered him with her towards the bathroom where she started fixing his hair. "Nervous"? She suddenly asked making him slowly nod.

"How come you're not in uniform noona"? "I'm not attending as just an officer, I'm attending as your guardian until a final decision is made. Taes heart dropped. "Y-you're n-not keeping m-me"? He turned around to face her she could already see his tears brimming his eyes making her heart clench. "Hey hey, calm down, I never said that I just haven't signed any official documents yet...today we'll see if I can, this is for the court to decide, it's out of my hands buddy".

He immediately hugged her digging his face into her chest crying. "Shh, don't cry bear, I'll do everything I can to become your guardian, I promise". He lifted his head looking at her with his puppy eyes as he lifted his pinky. She laughed at his childish behavior but gave in anyway locking her pinky with his.

She kissed his forehead wiping away his tears. "No more crying, you can do this, I'll be right beside u the entire time".  Once she fixed his hair they had breakfast then left to the court. As they go there the entire street was flooded with people, many had banners protesting for the life sentencing of Mr and Mrs.kim.

Calling Joon y/n told him where she parked and he came out to meet them to help y/n get Tae through the crowd. "Hey y/n, hey little man...ready"? He asked Tae who just fiddled with his fingers. Joon patted his head. "It's okay to be nervous, you can do it buddy, the judge will only ask u few questions and that's it for u".

He passed a comforting smile and they then made their way into the court room with the help of a couple other officers who worked with joon and y/n. As soon as the time was marked at 9 o'clock a van with more officers escorted taes parents into the room, their hands cuffed behind their backs they wore prison overalls.

They stood in the middle of the court room as the judge came in. Sitting down he looked across the room before speaking. "So, we're all hear today to hear the ruling as it pertains to Mr.kim Dal and Mrs.kim Eunha, a case of drug dealing and trafficing for many years, thousands of dollars worth of drugs were found and confiscated during a exercise conducted at their home where they were found. They even sold drugs to an officer at an earlier time leading to their capture".

"In terms of evidence it's said both pleaded guilty after many days of interrogation". A clip was played where y/n and namjoon were asking questions to Mr and Mrs Kim and the part where they pleaded guilty. "It's also understood that they have a young child, a son, where is he today"? Tae and y/n both stood up and walked forward standing infront of the judge a little way from taes parents. 

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