jungkook (part 1)

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Y/N sighed in exhasion and sorrow as she looked at her little brother from afar. Thinking of howw much he'd changed over the years...how much their bond had changed. Four years ago when y/n was just 21 and her brother was only 14 their parents passed due to a plane crash. They had gone for a holiday away from work just a week before and when returning home badluck struck harder than they'd could've imagined and took their lives, leaving the two children alone.

Thankfully y/n was already a legal adult by then so all of their parents belongings were passed down to her as per her parents wish as the lawyer said and she took over their company. Now she takes care of herself and her brother all alone as she never trusted anyone with him, not even the maids, only to cook for him if she wasnt around. Fixing her folded shirt sleeves y/n walked to the kitchen where her brother sat. "Jungkook". She called out softly. "What"? He answered coldly causing a sudden wave of sadness to wash over y/n but she didn't make it obvious that she was hurt.

"I'm leaving to work, I know u have a test today, so I wanted to tell u good luck, I hope u studied, do your best..". Jungkook didn't say anything just rolled his eyes. "Don't let my business bother u, go to work". Y/N wasn't surprised by his answer, he was always rude and cold to her, unlike before. Before he would tell her about all his tests and work he had to do and ask her for help in studying and on the morning of his exams he'd make sure to get his hug from y/n that was his. "Good luck charm". As he'd put it.

But now...he didn't even look at y/n when they would speak. Not that it would happen often, y/n would try but it was like she just wasn't there to him, he completely blocked her out. Y/N bit her bottom lip holding back tears. "U-uhm, okay, I'm going, do u want a hug before I go? I don't know what time I'll be home tonight". "No". He said and walked away as he was done with breakfast. Y/N watched his back as he walked up to his room. She knew their parents death would affect him but she never thought it would be this bad.

Wiping her tears that managed to escape she quickly left the house and drove to her company. Once she got there she put on the best smile she could pull off and walked in greeting her employees as they greeted her. As she got to her office as she'd hoped she was greeted by her boyfriend, Christopher Bhang. "Good morning babe". He greeted her with his usual smile but to his disappointment she didn't return it. Walking fast to chan she hugged around his waist and hid her face in his chest.

"Babe..."? He called out as he caressed her hair. In a matter of seconds he felt her hot tears on his shirt. He sighed. "Was it that little man again"? He asked as that's how he referred to Jungkook. She nodded as she quietly sobbed. "I-i really don't know what to do anymore, I can't even talk to him anymore it's like I'm talking to a total stranger chan". Chan just stayed silent letting her cry till her heart was content.

Once she pulled back he wiped the tears from her face. "I knew our parents being gone would affect him it affected me too but I didn't think it would make him turn into a totally different person. He doesn't even call me Noona anymore its all y/n and some days he doesn't even address me, where did I go wrong in trying to take care of him"? Her tears were coming back. "Hey hey hey, no more crying, you're not at fault for anything, you did everything correctly as u needed to, don't blame yourself. He'll come to his senses eventually baby".

Y/N let go off chan and leaned on her desk looking blank. "He couldn't come to his senses in 4 years he'll come to his senses now? I don't think so". "Don't loose hope sweetheart, calm yourself we have work and if u keep crying we're not gonna get anything done". Y/N nodded and drank some water from on her desk and they got to work.


As jungkook walked into the school halls, he kept up his usual cold face and walked straight to his first class, the class where he had the test. Sitting down his two buddy's turned to him. Jimin and taehyung. "Morning dude". Jimin spoke first. "Morning". He answered shortly. "Ready for the test"? Jungkook then smirked. "Why do u need to be ready when u can just cheat your way through". Jimin looked at him unsure as taehyung turned back around busy on his phone.

"Are u sure that's a good idea jungkook, if your sister comes to find out she'll be disappointed, I'm sure she wants u to do your best in the test...honestly, without cheating". Jungkook scoffed. "She could piss off, the only thing she does is get on my nerves, forever nag me and waste my time, she's always tryna talk to me as if I didn't make it clear enough to her that I don't wanna talk to her, she's so fucking stupid, I don't even know how she's managing to run a whole ass company, but anyway, she has her boyfriends back to ride on and have him do all the work for her and she could just take credit".

Jungkook said all those things without one ounce of guilt or regret making jimins jaw hang low. "Damn dude, you're saying all this and here I am wishing for a sister like yours". He turned around as jungkook tilled his eyes. Little did he know someone was recording him the entire time and sent it all to his sister. The test passed by and Jungkook managed not to get caught. As the bell rang the trio walked out the class. Taehyung who was usually the loudest was quiet all day but the other two payed no heed.

"Well...that was my only class for today so I'm leaving". Jungkook spoke first. "Okay, later man". Jungkook and jimin shook hands and jungkook left the school.

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