jimin (2/2)

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You towered over him and said with a scary but quiet tone. "Wanna explain what that little show u put on at the meeting room was about. Thus time try to minus the swearing and shouting okay?"

He visibly sank into the mattress at your words and gaze. "And while you're at it want to explain why the room is in such a mess hm".

He didn't dare to speak or move it seem to have dawned on him what he did and who it was he was talking to and about the entire time.

His eyes started to water a little but it didnt faze u. You felt bad for being rough to him you were never like this to him before but it was the only way u saw fit to teach him his lesson.

You lifted him with your cold hands and made him stand on the cold floor. He was very close to some broken sharddes of glass if heaved back a little he would get cut so u made sure to keep a close eye on where he stepped.

"What all the time u were busy yapping what's wrong now where did all your words go. Suddenly u can't talk anymore hm? What is it park speak up for me now".

You were really mad at him. U knew he only acted like that it of jealousy but it was too much.

Jimin was now standing infront of u silently crying head down and hands trembling. "I hope u know that you're not moving from that spot till u tell me what the hell that was".

That was it he was now crying out loud. Your heart stung but u continued on.

Seeing how much he was shaking u new he would end up taking a few steps back so u decided you'll carry him outside to the living room.

As u reached your hand out to pick him up he flinched hand and dropped himself down to avoid your hands.

U however was quick enough so u lifted him up before he could reach the floor.He was terrified, he got flashbacks of what his parents used to do to him when he was with them when he would raise his voice.

They would beat him till he passed out, he thought u would do the same thing so his first thought was to try to escape from the beating.

He was throwing a fit in your arms trying to get away from u. Once down in the living room u out him down and stepped back away from him.

U knew exactly was going on in his head so u changed your approach to make him talk.

U stepped back and put your hands up and called out to him using one of his nicknames thus time instead of his surname. "Mochi baby, look no ones gonna hit u baby I'm not gonna hit u. Look at me look where I am, look at my hands".

Hearing u use his nickname he opened his eyes that were shut tight and looked at u. Seeing your hands up beside your head and your calm face he felt safer. But definitely not calm.

"I'm gonna come near u okay baby I'm not gonna hit u I promise I'm just gonna hug u then we cab talk nicely okay".

He just looked at u sobbing observing as u neared him. You wrapped the small boy in your arms and lifted him hugging him securely letting him cry on your shoulder.

You softly patted his back and rocked with him calming him down.

Soon his sobs turned in sniffles so u sat down on a couch and layed him on his side on in your embrace just letting him cool down enough to talk.

Once u both were calm u started. "Now I'm not gonna scold u I'm not gonna hit u either I'd never raise my hand for u. I just want u to tell me what that scene u created was about so we can talk it out and get to a solution for the problem u have".

U felt him stiffen up a bit so u patted his bum and rocked a little. "Tell me love don't be scared ill listen to u".

He started playing with the hem of your shirt then spoke "I-I- was j-just jel-jelous o-okay".

"For weeks you were always with hyung and barely with me. I know u guys work together and you'll be busy but I wanted attention too. I didn't mean to call hyung names my jealousy just kinda got the best of me, I'm sorry".

He whimpered sadly once finishing his words. You felt really guilty now u hadn't realized how busy you were and how much u had neglected jimin.

U sighed and got your phone out of your pocket. Jimin silently watched and listened. You dialed a number and brought the phone to your ear. "Hello, yes Miss Kim can u please tell yoongi to take over full time for me for a while. If anything urgent comes up call if not don't disturb me , I don't need to say a reason he'll know, yes thank u good night".

Jimin shot up from on your chest and looked at u with a shocked Pikachu face. "Babe what are u doing".

You put your phone down and smiled at him. "I'm taking time off from now on unless it something really really important I'll be spending all my time with u. Once I do start back to work full time I'll make sure to manage stuff correctly so I can spend time with u everyday I promise".

To say jimin was happy would be an understatement. He got up and started jumping around the living room all happy but it soon stopped.

His happy face dropped and he turned to u "I need to apologize to hyung".

"I'll call him to come over tomorrow so u can apologize and we'll all spend some time together". Jimin smiled and nodded in agreement.

And about the room the maids had that under control so everyone just enjoyed the rest of their nights especially the main couple and we'll yoongi may have just gone home and passed out onto he love of his life his bed.

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