jungkook (part 8)

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Next morning as jungkook woke up he found no one beside him. He could feel his heart drop, he really hoped for y/n to stay with him till he woke up but he understood she was still angry with him. Getting up he looked at his clock, 7:30 am it read. "Better get ready.." he said in a broken voice and went to the shower.

Getting ready he put on a pair of black jeans and a white hoodie.

Looking around he remembered he left his backpack on the couch. Slowly we made his way down to the kitchen. He thought to skip his breakfast as he knew the maids would give him oats but couldn't when a maid stopped him. "Mr.Jeon have your breakfast, Ms.Y/N prepared for u this morning before she left".

Looking at the meal he saw pancakes with strawberries and bananamilk. He eyes shone as he smiled. All of the maids around were stunned seeing jungkook smile but was also happy. Sitting down jungkook quickly finished his meal. Ass he ate the driver approached him.

"Good morning Sir, I'll be taking u to school thus morning Y/N told me to inform u to look out for her instead this evening as she'll come for u". Jungkooks bunny smile immediately appeared, y/n hadn't picked him up in so long he noticed how he missed her evening treats to him when she'd pick him up.

"Okay, thank u for telling me". Jungkook hopped off his stool put his dishes in the sink and got his bag. As he was on his way to school he couldn't help but think about jimin and Tae. He missed them so much, he felt so lonely without them, he hoped they'd soon forgive him.

As he was dropped off he sighed heavily and walked into the school building. Getting into his classroom for the morning he sat down in his usual seat. Soon he saw jimin and Tae enter together, he thought they would just ignore him and sir elsewhere as they normally do but to his surprise they sat beside him. They didn't speak to him but they sat with him.

He smiled to himself and continued on with the day.

His shoulders felt lighter, he knew his friends and sister was still somewhat angry with him but they were coming around slowly, now that he saw his mistakes and wanted to fix them. The day went by smoothly and soon evening came and the school bell rang for hoke time.

Walking out to the main gates jungkook stood eagerly looking for his sister. Within ten minutes an expensive car pulled up right infront of him, he knew who's it was so he walked forward with a smile and opened the door. Seeing his sister sitting waiting for him to get in he greeted her. "Good evening noona". "Good evening". She replied shortly.

Jungkook sat down closed his door and put his seat belt on putting his backpack on the back seat. "How was your day noona"? He asked with his doe eyes looking up at y/n who had he full attention on the road. "It was good". Jungkook slightly frowned as she didn't ask him how his day was but he let it pass.

"Noona will u be home this evening"? "No". "Where will u be"? "At my office". "I don't Wanna go home then". Y/N frowned. "What are u talking about"? "I don't wanna be home alone again noona, it's boring, I wanna stay with u, please, can I come to your office with u"? "No, jungkook". "Noona pleaseee". "No-". "Fine, just know I'm not getting out of this car if u take me home".

He folded his arms over his chest with a pout on his lips slumping down into his seat. Y/N glanced at him trying her hardest to hide her smile. "Aish, alright stop being a brat, just don't cause me any trouble and don't move from my office once we get there". Jungkook smiled as he sat up straight.

"Thank u noona". Leaning across he kissed her cheek as a sign of his happiness before sitting back slouching back down and closing his eyes resting for the remainder of the drive.

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