taehyung (2/3)

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Taehyung was still silenty crying when they came back in, y/n silently took her place back behind her desk as namjoon leaned on it beside taehyung. "We decided something for u Taehyung". Tae looked up with his puffy eyes. "You'll live with y/n from now till your parents trial, after that time passes she'll decide if she wants to sign as your legal guardian...if not...we'll have to look for somewhere else to send you".

Taes eyes displayed blatant fear, he was always an introvert, he barely spoke to his classmates how was he supposed to deal with a whole new household, having to live with an officer already scared him enough. "I know it's really big news and alot of changes at one time buddy it'll be overwhelming but this is just how the things go...and". He leaned closer to Tae and whispered in his ear. "Don't let her grumpy face scare u y/n will take good care of u...today was just alot for everyone".

Walking to his desk joon grabbed a water and gave it to Tae. "Calm down, everything will be alright, our shift will be over soon y/n will take u to your house, get some of your clothes and things for school then she'll take u home with her". He patted taes shoulder and left the cabin to go about his remaining tasks.

A heavy awkward silence was held between Tae and y/n. He was still intimidated by her, he was scared to speak to her. Y/N sighed and stopped what she was doing when she had enough of the awkward silence. Sitting back in her seat she ran her fingers through her hair. "Listen...I know this whole day has taken a toll on u, don't sit there and stare at me...if u wanna ask me something go ahead, I'm not gonna lash out at u or anything kid".

Taehyung frowned at the name she called him. "Hey I'm not a kid". "To me u are". "H-how old are u"? "I'm 26, ten years older". Taes jaw dropped. Y/N chuckled. "What's with that look, how old did u think I was"? "N-not that old". "What do u mean that old? I'm not thatt  old". "I-i mean I thought u were maybe like t-twenty one". Y/N shook her head. "Flattering". They fell into silence again but it wasn't awkward this time.

Minutes later y/n stood as she cracked her neck. "That's it...my shift ends, let's go I need to sign and then we're out of here". In a matter if minutes they were in y/n's car. Tae was shocked once again by the expensive car she had. They got into the from seats and y/n pulled out of the stations parking lot heading towards taes house. Tae was uneasy the entire ride and it only got worse when he got sight of his home.

The door was broken down and the house was in total darkness, it was already late evening the inside was barely visible in the dim daylight. "Let's go, stay close to me, knowing no ones gonna stay here all kinds of people tend to linger around". Tae nodded as they got out. "Lead the way to your room kiddo". "Don't call me thatt". "Not your biggest issue right now". She said lowly as she walked forward forcing him to give up on his fit and follow.

The entire house was trashed, floor board broken walls busted, seems to be where they found drugs hidden in the house. Taes world broke down even more seeing the place he grew up his entire life in now in shambles. His families picture was laying on the floor frame broken. Running to it he lifted the frame letting the broken glass fall off them taking the picture. There his parents stood happily hold him as a baby.

"Keep it if u want but let's hurry up, it's getting dark". Tae nodded and led the way to his room, the door was also broken down but barely any damage was done to his room just few things were scattered. "Get a bag and take as much of your clothes as u can, all of your school essentials aswell, they seemed to have searched in here a bit so if anything important is damaged leave it I can always buy a new one for u".

Tae silently packed two bags as y/n stood tall at the door keeping watch incase anyone invaded the property. "I'm done". He said softly. "Make sure u haven't missed anything". "I didn't, all of my clothes and shoes are here and these are my school books". She took the two bags off the bed. "Alright, let's go, the sun's almost set". They left after putting his bags in the trunk. As they drove home the calming music in the car helped Tae settle his mind.

He was still in shock of how today went. He leaned on the door and stared at his lap. He still wasn't too sure of what he could and couldn't do in y/n's presence so he wasn't in much of a mood to talk with her. As they stopped at a traffic light she finally looked at him. She could see the mix of shock confusion and pain all over his face, she understood him.

Reaching over she ruffled his hair breaking him out of his trance. He looked at her tattooed arm that had just ruffled his hair as she pulled back. "What's going through your mind kiddo". His eyes drifted back to his lap as he played with his fingers. "A-am I really gonna be without my parents from now on"? She sighed as she nodded. "Sadly...that's the truth, they've been in the drug trafficing business for decades, not only that but they had thousands of dollars into the millions worth stored just in the floors and walls of the house. That isn't a small fine".

His tears finally streamed down once more. "W-what are u gonna do with me after their trial"? She could hear the heartbreaking pain in his voice. "I'm not sure yet...we'll think about that at another time...their trial won't be for few months". "Why does all the bad things have to happen to me". He cried harder as he covered his face. Y/N drove off as the light changed, she badly wanted to comfort the boy but she wasn't sure how.

Her cold aura was long gone, she realized she couldn't do anything if she kept that up and he was now her responsibility so she had to try to calm him down. She quickly made It to her house and parked the car. Looking across he was still crying his heart out. Deciding to finally do something she got out and went to him side opening his door. She took off his seatbelt brought him out of the car. Putting his head on her shoulder she held him close and rubbed his back.

He tiptoed and put his arms around her neck sobbing. Their size difference was quite large so he was barely on his feet anymore all of his body weight being thrown onto her as he hugged her for dear life. "It's okay little one, u have me, everything is gonna be alright". 

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